Chapter Twenty-eight

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The next day on set was really interesting. Ryan showed us how the editing was done and all the other technical stuff. It was really nice to know such things. It was nearly time for the first break and we walked to the breakroom, when we heard shouting. "That sounds serious" (Y/F/N) said next to me. I nodded and answered "Yeah, I really like to know what's going on." The screaming got louder the closer we got to the breakroom.
"Listen carefully! I don't care what you want. I don't want to be with you anymore, so please leave and don't call or text me." We couldn't hear the response, but what we could hear was "I am in a relationship!" We couldn't make out who it was, but I had a guess who it was and that wasn't good.

Nobody dared to open that damn door and I sighed. It was me who opened it and maybe that wasn't a good idea. In the breakroom were Sarah and Holland and Holland was too close to Sarah. They stood nose to nose and Sarah looked really angry. Her face was flushed and her eyebrows knitted. "Oh fuck" I whispered to myself.

"What's going on in here?" Ryan asked behind me. "I wanted to talk to Sarah, privately" Holland answered and scanned me from head to toe. Sarah noticed this and was about to say something, but I was quicker. "Do you want a picture or something? I don't like it, when someone stares at me, like that." My classmates gasped loudly and Jasmine whispered "(Y/N) do you know who that is? It's Holland Taylor. You can't say such things to her." "I don't care who she is. She could be the queen and I wouldn't care" was all I said and walked into the room. "I'm not a piece of meat."

Holland stepped in front of me and said "Who do you think you are? Speaking like that with me." "Like I said, I don't care who you are and I talk like this to you, because you don't have the decency to respect Sarah and should be ashamed of yourself." I saw Holland's hand twitch and someone grabbed my hand suddenly. I was pulled away from Holland, before she could slap me and I noticed that it was Sarah who had pulled me away. She stood in front of me and held my hand.

"Don't you dare touch her Holland. You have no right to be here, nor are you allowed to touch her!" They stared at each other and my hand began to hurt from Sarah's hard grip. "She's your girlfriend, am I right?" Holland said and all eyes were on me and Sarah. They all waited for her response and the tension in the room thickened.

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