Chapter Forty Five

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I fell asleep during the movie and Sarah shook me lightly. "Hey sweetheart, wake up" she whispered and continued to shook me. "Hmm? What?" I mumbled and rubbed my eyes. "I ordered us something to eat my love. And don't you dare to complain! You need to eat" Sarah said serious and I looked up at her. I only nodded and she smiled. "Good." Her doorbell rang and she walked away. My stomach grumbled loud and I giggled. "She always knows, what I need" I whispered to myself and sat up.

I waited for her to return and smelled something delicious. Sarah came back with food containers in her hand and I asked her what she ordered. "Chinese" she said and placed the food on the table. She handed me a fork and a container and I thanked her. "I love you so much" I moaned, after I took the first bite. "I hope you don't say this just because I give you food" Sarah laughed and I giggled.

"I was talking with the food" I said and looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" Sarah asked me and knitted her eyebrows. "I meant that I love the food Sarah, wasn't that obvious?" I said seriously and raised one eyebrow at her. Sarah opened and closed her mouth, but nothing came out. She looked away and put her food down. "Wait Sar, did you believe that? I would never, say such things." I gasped dramatic and held my hand above my chest "How rude of you Ms. Paulson." Sarah laughed loudly and nudged my shoulder. "You're so terrible, you definitely need to become an actress." "You think?" I asked seriously and she nodded. "Yes, you're really good. Even Ryan said it to me and you know what Emma things." At Emma's name Sarah narrowed her nose.

"You're not jealous again, are you?" I asked with food in my mouth. "Maybe a little bit" she murmured, but laughed at me. "And don't speak with a full mouth." I huffed and swallowed. "You don't need to be jealous, I'm all yours." I placed the food container back on the table and turned slightly to her. My fingers caressed her cheek and I whispered "Sarah, you're the first woman I got romantically involved and you will be the only one, don't ever forget that. You don't need to be jealous, because all of me, my body, my soul, my heart belongs to you and that won't change. Believe me okay?"

Sarah closed her eyes and nodded. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her lovingly. "You're the best thing that could have ever happen to me" I whispered and kissed her again.


I'm sorry it's a really short chapter 🙊

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