Chapter Eleven

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"Hey" Sarah smiled when I opened the door. "Hey" I smiled back. "Let's go to my room" I suggested and we walked upstairs.
In my room Sarah immediately looked around. I sat down on my bed and she said "Your room is beautiful."

I thanked her and looked at her

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I thanked her and looked at her. She stood there and fumbled with her shirt. "Sit with me" I told her and padded the spot next to me. Sarah set down and grabbed my hand. "I'm really so sorry" she whispered and I studied her appearance. (Y/F/N) was right, she really looked miserable.

I squeezed her hand and she looked up. "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have avoided you. I'm just so confused Sarah. I always dreamt about meeting you, talking to you. You have no idea what you mean to me. But now, you're my teacher and you kissed me. I feel like my whole life is upside down." Sarah listened and when I finished she asked "What do you feel, when you are with me?" Her thumb caressed my hand and I thought how to respond. "I'm not sure. I feel like you're stealing my breath, but in the good way. My stomach tickles when you touch me" I whisper. I looked up and met her gaze. She leaned forward and whispered "Can I kiss you?" My eyes closed on it's own and I nodded.

Her lips met mine and it felt really good. We drew back, when the need for air was to heavy to ignore. Sarah touched her forehead against mine and caressed my cheek. "As much as I love that feeling when you kiss me, we need to stop this, right now." She closed the gap between our lips again and held me tightly. I pushed her gently back and whispered "No Sarah. I know it's not illegal, because I'm 22, but you still can get fired because I'm your student. And you were always with older women, I don't want to be a toy you can play with." I cried as I said this and stood up with my crutches. I opened my door and whispered "You should go Sarah." I avoided her gaze and heard her standing up. She walked to me and stroked my cheek. "You're not a toy for me. I really have feelings for you. I will try to contain myself around you, but I can't promise you that I can hold back all the time." I still didn't looked at her, but she kissed me one more time and was gone.

After she was gone I let out a heavy sigh. A single tear slipped out of my eye and I wiped it quickly away. "I am in love with Sarah Paulson" I whispered to myself and slid down the door.

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