Chapter Forty Eight

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Time skip to the graduation

I made my graduation with the best degree I could dream about and decided to step into Sarah's footsteps and become an actress. She had decided to fully teach at our school now and wanted to support me with my career. I protested of course, because she's a fucking good actress.

We made our promise true and moved in together after my graduation and I couldn't be happier. We went through so much trouble and never made the decision to break up. Sure we had fights too, but we always calmed down again.

The paparazzis noticed some time through my last months at School that I was Sarah's new girlfriend and wrote about me sometimes and followed me around. And that's when my classmates noticed it too, because of all the photos of me and the headlines in social media. It was weird at first, but Sarah did everything to make sure I felt safe and comfortable. My friends supported me and where lucky for me, even Oliver apologized for his bad behavior towards me.

So this night, after I got my certificate, we were all at Sarah's house and celebrated. My family was there and some members of the American Horror Story crew I grew really close with. I was sad that my friends weren't there too, but they had their own parties. "(Y/N)" everyone shouted my name and lifted their glass of champagne. "Thanks" I yelled back and sipped my drink.

Sarah stood behind me and hugged me. "Congratulations little girl" she whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. "Thanks love." "I'm so happy for you and am so excited that you will live here now with me" she giggled and I laughed. "Yeah as if I'm not already sleeping here most of the time" I giggled and turned around in her arms. "You're right" she giggled. My arms went around her neck and played with her hair. Sarah played with my necklace she gave me months ago and leaned down to kiss me. I drew back and smirked "Nope." Her eyes widened and she asked "What?" I pulled out of her arms and put the glass of champagne on the table next to me. "You're not allowed to kiss me Ms. Paulson" I giggled and ran away from her. "Oh just wait until I catch you" she yelled laughing and ran after me. She hunted me through her garden and I slipped inside the house. I ran up the stairs and into our bedroom. Sarah yelled my name and I rummaged through our closet.

"There you are" she said as she opened the door. I giggled and turned around, holding my hands behind my back. "What are you hiding behind your back little girl." My smile grew and Sarah came closer. "Come here and find out yourself" I giggled. Just before she could grab me I stopped her. "I wanted to be alone with you for a moment to do this." Sarah looked at me confused and asked what I meant.

"Sarah Catharine Paulson, I had a huge crush on you since I saw you as Billie Dean Howard in Season 1 of American Horror Story. It inflamed to a raging storm when you came to my school and started teaching me. At first I tried to avoid you and deny my feelings for you, but you didn't stopped trying and I fell really hard for you. You were here for me when I needed you the most, when I nearly died because of a car crash, when I lost my memory of you and through my whole last year of school. You're the best girlfriend that could ever happen to me and I want to be with you the rest of my live", I showed her what I held behind my back and opened the little box. In it were a diamond ring and I asked "Will you marry me?"

 In it were a diamond ring and I asked "Will you marry me?"

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Sarah cried and couldn't answer me. "Sarah? Oh God please don't say no" I whispered scared. She laughed and held my face in between her hands. "Yes. Always yes! I will marry you my love, my sweet sweet girl" she said and kissed me passionately. I put the ring on her finger and she gasped. "(Y/N) that's too much." I shook my head and said "No it's not. This ring is from my grandmother. She gave it to me and said I should wear it at my wedding or give it to someone I really love." I wiped her tears away and kissed her.

"I can't wait to call you Mrs. Paulson" Sarah whispered against my lips. "I can't wait either. I love you Sarah." "I love you too Soon-to-be-Mrs. Paulson."

But was it really a good idea, to move in together?


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