Chapter Forty Two

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In my dream I relived the accident and cried and screamed in my sleep. Sarah woke up from it and tried to wake me. "(Y/N) wake up! Wake up babe!" I shot up and gasped for air. Memories flooded my mind and I cried harder. "Ssh it's okay, I'm here. You're safe with me babe" she tried to hug me and calm me down. My hand roamed over her naked skin and I whispered "I told you to never call me babe." "I'm sorry, I know. I forgot. I… Wait! What?" Sarah looked at me confused and shocked. I laughed with tears streaming down my face and said "I remember! Sarah, I remember you! I love you so much Sarah Catharine Paulson!"

Sarah screamed and cried too. "Really? Please say it's not a cruel joke. I've missed you so much" she said and kissed my face. "It's true, Sar. I think you calling me babe, was the trigger." We both laughed and kissed. "Why was it the nickname you hate the most, which brought your memories back?" she asked and I shook my head. "I don't know." Sarah pressed me carefully down on the mattress and straddled my good leg. Her leg pressed against my core and she leaned down to kiss me.

I moaned at the pressure and immediately felt a rush of pleasure shooting through my body. We kissed and Sarah's hands wandered under the shirt she gave me. "We need to take this off" she said through kisses and I nodded. We carefully pulled it over my head and Sarah threw it over her shoulder. "I missed you so much" she said and kissed down my neck.

Sarah laid back next to me after some time and kissed my lips. I moaned at the taste of myself on her lips and whispered "I really want to pleasure you too Sar." "I know little girl, but I'm okay. It's all about you" she answered and kissed me again. "I'm so happy that I have you back." "Me too Sar, me too. I felt so lost the whole time and it broke my heart that I couldn't remember you" I whispered and felt sleep tug at my body. She pulled me closer and whispered "Sleep my love, it's still dark outside." "I love you with all my heart Sar." "I love you too my sweet girl" Sarah whispered back and kissed my head a last time before drifting back to sleep herself.

The next morning we slept till midday and I felt really good. I was the first to wake up and decided to watch Sarah a little bit longer. My fingers ghosted over her features and I smiled to myself. I thought how much luck I had that I haven't died in the accident and that I had her at my side. When we could make it through this time, we could face everything together. I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice Sarah's gaze on me. Just as her hand landed on my cheek I focused on her again. "A penny for your thoughts sweetheart" she smiled. "I just thought about how lucky I am to have you. I don't want to lose you Sarah, never." My eyes were glassy and she closed the gap between us. It was sweet and tender and it felt like we kissed for the first time. Sarah sat up and took my hand in hers. I looked at her surprised and waited for her to speak. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N) would you like to live with me after your graduation? I don't want to lose you too and really want to be with you forever."

"That sounds like a proposal" I giggled and Sarah blushed. Before she could say something else I said "I would love to live with you Sarah. I couldn't dream of something better." We finalized the moving proposal with a kiss and cuddled a little bit longer.

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