Chapter Nineteen

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"So why do you wanted me to come with you?" I asked her as she showed me her house. "I just wanted to show you my home" she just shrugged and walked away. "Yeah sure, you're such a bad lier" I called after her. She laughed in another room and I followed her voice and saw her sitting on a bed. I gulped and asked "What are you doing Sarah?" She stood up and walked towards me. Her hands landed on my hips and she whispered against my ear "I couldn't stop thinking about you, after I left yesterday." She kissed down my neck and sucked. "Sarah what are you doing?" I asked and grabbed her shoulders. "Nothing" she licked the spot on my neck, where she just had sucked. "I'm not ready for this Sarah" I whispered back and she stopped. She looked me in the eyes and apologized. "It's okay."

Her stomach grumbled and we laughed. "Let's get something to eat in there" I poked her stomach. She nodded and took my hand in hers. We went into her kitchen and I looked into the fridge. "Tequila, Tequila, Ice Cream. Do you have something to eat at all?" Sarah laughed nervously and scratched her neck. "I'm not good at cooking." I closed the fridge and laughed "It's okay. I would have cooked anyway, but let us just order something, what do you think?" She nodded and smiled.

Half an hour later our food arrived. We ordered a big pizza for both of us and burger. "Hey Sar?" I asked while we watched some TV show. She hummed and I continued. "When will we attend the set?" Sarah swallowed her piece of pizza and answered "Oh in two weeks. Are you excited?" "Excited? I'm more than excited" I giggled. "I can't wait to meet Ryan and the cast." Sarah smiled and told me that she will be filming some scenes too, when we're at the set. "Really? OMG I can't wait to see you in action. It's always so amazing to watch you on my screen, but now I have the chance to watch you in real time. I can't wait" I squealed. Sarah laughed and kissed my hand. "You are wonderful sweetheart."

After we finished our food, we cuddled a little bit and Sarah drove me home.

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