Chapter Thirteen

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Sarah stepped away and asked "You okay to go back to the classroom or should I sent you home?" "No it's okay and I'll try to concentrate more on my work." Sarah smiled and opened the door for me. We headed back inside and she continued with her lesson.
Okay it was not that easy to not stare at Sarah's body, but I made it to the end of the lesson without getting caught by my classmates. (Y/F/N) helped me with my stuff and took my bag. "You know I can carry my bag myself" I said to her with a smile on my lips. "I know, but that's what best friends do."

Sarah smiled at our exchange and said "I'll see you tomorrow girls" and walked past us. Her hand stroked my back lightly and I got goosebumps.
She left and we went for our next class.

"Okay guys, important info for you. I will send you home early, because we're having a meeting today" our art teacher told us after the bell rang. All of us cheered and exchanged high fives. "Don't be too joyful. You're getting a homework." A loud groan rumbled through the room. "Seriously?" "Why do you hate us so much?" "That's not fair!" Could be heard and I snickered. Homework in art? That couldn't be too hard. And it wasn't. She just wanted us to draw a picture and that's all. She said she wants to know where our skills are and what she could teach us in the next few weeks.

The lesson went smoothly and soon we could go home. "Do you need a ride home?" Jasmine asked me on our way out of the building and I nodded. "That would be nice, thanks." We walked to her car and she drove to my house.

At home I thanked her again and walked inside.

It's a short chapter, but I will upload Chapter Fourteen tonight. Promise 🤞🏻

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