Chapter Two

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I had my head still on the table, when the door opened and everyone in the room gasped. My best friend grabbed my arm tightly. "You're hurting me (Y/F/N)." She didn't even looked at me, she just whispered "It's her." "Who?" I was confused, but then someone started talking. "Hey guys, I'm your new teacher." My eyes widened and my gaze turned to the front of the room. There she stood. Sarah fucking Paulson. My jaw dropped and (Y/F/N) whispered "I knew it!" Sarah sat down and started talking. "Some of you will probably know who I am. But for those who don't know me, I'm Sarah Paulson. I'm an actress and now your theater teacher. Any questions?" All hands shot up, even mine. Sarah's eyes landed on me and she smiled. "What's your question, sweetheart?" She asked me and I blushed immediately, because of the nickname. All eyes were on me and I asked "Why did you choose to teach some nasty students?" Some of my classmates laughed and Sarah smiled. "That's a really good question. What's your name?" "It's (Y/N)" I answered. She nodded and answered my question. "Your principal wrote me and asked if I would like to teach the theater class, because your old teacher retired. I must say, that he is my former teacher and I couldn't let him down. So here I am." She just shrugged and smiled and I couldn't stop the smile on my own lips.

Sarah stood up again and looked at all of us. "Since it's the first day, I thought we could take it easy today. I don't know your names and that would be the best thing to start with." We all nodded and then Sarah started to ask random questions. When she got to me, she smiled brighter than before. "So (Y/N), tell me. What are your hobbies?" "Good question Miss Paulson" I smiled. "I like to read, drawing pictures, binge watch and eat." Everyone laughed at the last thing, and I couldn't stop the laugh that escaped my lips. Sarah looked mesmerized at me and bit her lower lip. She thanked me and asked the next student. I laid my head on the table and smiled dreamily. After some minutes (Y/F/N) nudged my shoulder and said "Stop staring." I sat up abruptly and looked at her. "What? I'm not staring." She smirked at me and said "Yeah, sure." I shoved her away and laughed. "What's so funny Miss (Y/L/N)" Sarah asked. My eyes widened and I stuttered. "Nothing Miss Paulson." She narrowed her eyes, but smiled. "Please stay here after class." I groaned, but nodded. (Y/F/N) giggled and I whispered "Shut up asshole. It's your fault." She held her hand above her mouth and giggled even more.

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