Chapter Thirty Eight

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Three days had passed and my eyes opened up again. I couldn't remember where I was and what happened. But the most scaring part was, that I didn't knew those people in my room. "She's awake. Thank God" said a beautiful blonde woman towards two other people and she looked at me. A woman and a man, a bit older than her, stood behind her. I was mesmerized by her dark brown eyes and stared at her.

"Could you please tell me where I am and who you are?" I said and rubbed my head, feeling a wound and some of my hair was gone. "You're still in the hospital sweetheart" this woman said and took my hand. I drew back and said "Sorry lady but I don't know you, you're beautiful, but please don't touch me." The other two gasped and the older woman came closer to me "Please don't play with us (Y/N)." "I don't know what you mean? Who are you?" I yelled and tears streamed down on my and their faces. "Why are you here? Why am I in a hospital?" The blonde woman walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

The older woman touched my arm and said "(Y/N) we are your parents and this was Sarah your girlfriend, do you really don't remember us?" I shook my head and the door opened again. Some doctor came inside with the woman named Sarah. She sobbed uncontrolled and I felt a pinch in my chest. Somehow it made me sad to see her like this, but why? Is she really my girlfriend? Is that why I'm feeling so bad while seeing her crying? She was definitely a beautiful woman and I don't like to see her cry.

The doctor scanned my vitals and held a flashlight in front of my eyes and mumbled something. "Ms. (Y/L/N) we had to operate you, because of internal injuries in your brain area. We could fix it all, but apparently you lost your memory." I nodded and tried to process the informations. "We like to keep you here another night to check on you, but I think tomorrow you can go home." He walked out and left me alone with, seemingly my parents and my girlfriend. Sarah hadn't stopped crying the whole time and stood next to my bed.

I took her hand and squeezed it. She looked up at me surprised and I said "Even if I don't remember you, I don't like to see you cry. It hurts me to see you like this." My thumb stroked her hand, but she pulled back and left the room. "Did I said something wrong?" I asked and my parents shook their heads. "No, it's just really hard for all of us. Sarah didn't left your side for a second, we had to promise her that we don't leave your side while she would freshen up at home and I think this situation now broke her. She loves you so much (Y/N)" My mother said with tears in her eyes.

"I really want to remember" I whispered to myself. My mother sat down on my bed and showed me her phone.I was confused at first, but the I saw what she tried to do.

She showed me some pictures and after hours of talking and them sharing memories of my childhood with me, I could remember that they were indeed my parents. But I felt guilty, because I still couldn't remember Sarah. It was now pitch black outside and my parents had already left, but I laid awake in my room and stared at the ceiling.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember anything at all that involved Sarah. My mother told me a little bit of her. That she's an actress and started to teach at my school. That she was in my favorite series American Horror Story and that I always had a huge crush on her. Some minutes later I heard the door open and I got a little scared. A figure slipped inside and I recognized it from earlier.

"Sarah?" I whispered and she stopped moving. It was quiet for a few seconds. "Do you remember me?" she asked hopefully. "No" I whispered into the dark.

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