Chapter Fifteen

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"Okay" I whispered and she pulled me against her body. Her lips were so soft and somehow she tasted like strawberries. I hummed into the kiss and she deepened it. Her hand brushed against my hair and the other landed on my waist. Both of my hands were on her waist. Sarah touched my back and I hissed. "Sorry sweetheart" she apologized immediately. "It's okay, don't stop. Just don't touch my back please" I whispered and closed the gap between our lips again.

After some minutes I shivered and Sarah stopped kissing me. "You need to get dressed. I don't want you to get ill." I nodded and she grabbed for the bandages, but I stopped her. "It's okay." "But you need them" Sarah complained. "Not really, it's okay. They are just annoying." She opened her mouth, but closed it again. She put them away and grabbed my hand. "Please don't send me away again. Let me be here for you. I promise you that I really care for you and if you're still troubled because I'm your teacher, than I promise you to behave at school. But please don't push me away again (Y/N)." I didn't answered right away, I just dragged her with me. Her arm steadied me and we walked up to my room.

In my room, I sat down on my bed and padded the spot next to me. She was hesitant for a second, but when she saw the smile on my lips she came to my side. I laid down on the mattress and whispered "I need to tell you something Sarah." "About what?" she asked and turned her body to me. "About my feelings for you."

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