Chapter Forty Seven

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The rest of the day passed by uneventful and we went early to bed. We laid next to each other and cuddled. "I'm a little bit scared of tomorrow" I whispered and listened to her heartbeat. Sarah stroked my arm and whispered back "You don't need to be afraid. Everything is going to be fine. Your friends are very happy to see you again, I'm sure. They missed you so much." "How do you know that?" I asked and looked up to her. "They told me and (Y/F/N) asked me when you're coming back." I smiled and nodded. Sleep tugged at my eyes and I whispered "I love you Sarah." "Love you to my little girl" Sarah whispered back and kissed my head.

The next morning was really hard for me. It was unusual for me to stand up this early and I felt like a zombie. "Come on (Y/N), we need to get up" Sarah mumbled groggy and sat up. Her hair was tousled and she still looked beautiful. "I don't know what to wear" I mumbled and looked at my leg, still in the plaster bandage. "Just wear some shorts, it's still hot outside" Sarah said and looked in her closet. "The floral dress" I said and she looked back at me. "Huh?" "The floral dress, wear it. It looks really good on you" I said and pointed to the dress.

Sarah smiled at me and nodded

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Sarah smiled at me and nodded. She grabbed the dress and walked into the bathroom. I laid back down and closed my eyes again. "Don't you dare close your eyes Missy, grab your clothes and come here" I heard her yell and sighed. I sat back up and took my crutches and walked to the closet. My eyes landed on my back Harry Potter short and some jeans shorts and walked to the bathroom to join Sarah.

We arrived really early at school, that nobody saw us arriving together and I walked to my locker. I looked at my schedule and sighed. Math, ugh! Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. It was Jasmine and next to her was (Y/F/N) and I began to smile. "We missed you so much" Jasmine exclaimed happily and threw her arms around me. "I missed you too" I said and tried to hugged her back. (Y/F/N) hugged me afterwards and asked if I was okay. "I'm okay. It was really hard sometimes, but now I'm good. I missed you guys so much and sometimes I was really bored, but I had good company" I explained to them and (Y/F/N) smiled, but Jasmine looked confused. "Who? Your parents?"

My eyes widened and I remembered that she didn't know about me and Sarah. I felt guilty, because she was my close friend too. "Jasmine I need to tell you something, but you need to keep this a secret okay?" She nodded and I motioned for her to come closer. (Y/F/N) and Jasmine came closer to me and I whispered "I'm in a relationship with Sarah." "What? Which Sarah?" "Sarah Paulson? Our teacher? The actress?" I said to her and raised my eyebrows. Jasmine looked at me as if she didn't believed one word I said. "Yeah, haha. Really funny" she said sarcastic. "No, it's the truth" (Y/F/N) said serious.

Jasmine gasped and looked shocked at me. "Really? How long?" "Since the second week of this school year" I tried to remember and nodded. "That means, she was talking about you at the set of American Horror Story?" she asked with wide eyes. I bit my lip and nodded "Yes, it was me who she was talking about." "OMG that explains so much, but I'm so happy for you." I smiled and hugged her. I was so happy that she knows it now too and that I didn't need to keep it a secret anymore. But we still need to keep it a secret a little bit longer.

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