Chapter Twenty-five

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"What's wrong with her?" (Y/F/N) asked me and looked to Emma and Sarah. "I don't know" I answered and observed the exchange of these two. Sarah motioned wildly with her arms and Emma shrugged. "I really want to know what they're talking about" Jasmine said and Ryan interrupted us. "Okay everyone back on there positions." Emma shoved Sarah to the side, walked past us girls and winked at me. "Action" Ryan shouted and everyone was fixed on the scene.

I took that as a opportunity to talk to Sarah. Sneaking to her, I stood next to her and whispered "What's wrong? Are you okay?" "Everything is fine" she answered annoyed. Her hand was clenched to a fist and I looked at her. She was really tense and the aggressiveness radiated of off her body. I looked around if someone was watching us and took her hand. I brought it to my lips and kissed it quickly. She looked surprised at me and smiled a little bit. I let her hand go and whispered "Talk to me Sarah." "It's Emma" she whispered back and her shoulder touched mine. "You mean the kiss, don't you? It was not my fault." "I know. I'm not angry at you, I am angry with her. She shouldn't have kissed you, you're mine." "She didn't know that" I smiled at Sarah. She is cute when she's angry. She wrinkled her nose and I found it just too sweet. "You're probably right, but you belong to me" she grumbled. My cheeks reddened and I nodded. "It won't happen again" I whispered and stroked her arm. Her arm got goosebumps and I smirked. I walked back to my friends and observed the acting process.

"You okay?" (Y/F/N) asked me and I nodded. "Yeah. Everything is fine." "Did she told you what that was about?" she asked me and I shook my head. "I have no idea. She didn't told me anything, but I'm just her student, so why would she tell me something like this." I shrugged with my shoulders and (Y/F/N) nodded. "You're right." "I'm always right" I laughed and she punched my arm. "Smartass."

It was so awesome to watch them acting and you didn't even noticed how fast the time flies.

After an hour we all sat down and were still watching, when Ryan shouted "Paulson it's your scene now. Come on show these kids how it's done." My eyes widened and I looked around. I hadn't even noticed that Sarah was gone. I spotted her and she was full in costume. She looked amazing. I held my chin in my hands and stared at her. Our gazes locked and she smiled at me. (Y/F/N) giggled next to me and I looked at her.

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