Chapter Twenty-four

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He showed us around and then walked with us to the set where currently Emma and some others filmed. Ryan explained us what they were filming and yelled "Okay guys little break. Come here and say Hi to Sarah's students." They came to us and Emma looked intensely at me. "I think someone throw an eye on you" said (Y/F/N) to me and giggled. Sarah looked at me and then to Emma. They greeted each other with a hug and Emma welcomed us. Emma turned her back to Sarah and she narrowed her eyes. We talked a little bit and asked questions and then Emma asked us if we were interested in a improved performance. "Hell yeah" Jasmine shouted. Emma laughed and asked "Okay any volunteers?"

A few of my classmates raised their hands and Emma looked at me again. "What about you?" I shrugged and said "Yeah okay, I can try it." "What's your name?" "It's (Y/N)" I told her and she grabbed my hand. I catched Sarah's gaze and she didn't look happy. The others gathered around us and Emma said "Okay, it's all about improvisation. I will begin and you will continue. Okay?" I nodded and she began.

Emma walked behind me and stroked my back. "Honey I know you had a bad day today, but please talk to me. I know you're angry with me." I sighed and answered "I'm not just angry. I'm furious and you don't even noticed it. You have no time for me at all anymore and that sucks." Emma walked in front of me and caressed my cheek. "I'm sorry. I was busy with work, but I promise you that I will make it up to you." Emma leaned down to me and kissed me. All my classmates gasped and some of them giggled. Emma drew back and smiled. I was too shocked to say something. "You were so good. Have you done anything like this before?" Emma asked me and I shook my head. "No it was the first time." I turned around and looked for Sarah, but she had her back to me. I frowned and looked at Ryan.

"Okay (Y/N) that was fantastic, don't you agree Paulson?" Ryan said enthusiastic. "Yeah it was great" Sarah said through gritted teeth and turned around. I looked at her, but she avoided my gaze. My friends surrounded me and spoke all at the same time. "Guys, wait. I can't understand you when you're talking all at the same time" I laughed and Jasmine was the first to speak. "(Y/N) that was so great and I'm a little bit jealous you got to kiss Emma." "Yes it was awesome" (Y/F/N) said and clapped. "Thanks guys, but it was really shocking. I didn't expect something like this." Jasmine jumped up and down, like a little girl and asked "How was the kiss? Was it nice?" I blushed and tensed "It was okay, it was unexpected."

I felt a hand on my elbow and looked to the side. It was Sarah. "That was really great (Y/N)" she said and squeezed my elbow a little bit to hard. She was angry, I could feel it. "Thanks Ms. Paulson" I said as Sarah walked to Emma and dragged her to the side.

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