E X T R A B O N U S R O U N D 2

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I sat in front of my TV and waited for Sarah to appear. She was at Ellen Degeneres' show for an interview and I really wanted to know what they would talk about.

When Sarah appeared I saw immediately that she was nervous and I smirked. Sarah was afraid that Ellen would scare her again. "That poor woman is going to have a heart attack someday" I said to myself as I thought about all the times Ellen scared the shit out of her. Sarah sat down and Ellen welcomed her. They talked about the new movie Sarah would star in and then Ellen said "Okay and now, I really want to know about your wedding. For the audience, I was invited, but couldn't make it. Please Sarah, tell me about your wedding. How was it?"

Sarah smiled sweetly and played with her ring. "It was beautiful. It took all place in our garden and it was like a fairytale. Everywhere were lights and it was so comfortable. (Y/N) looked so beautiful in her dress. I couldn't stop staring at her. Our families and friends were all there and we had so much fun. They had games prepared, but the best part was when I danced with my wife for the first time as a married couple. It's still so surreal to call her my wife now, but I really don't want to change that again. She's so perfect for me. (Y/N)? I know you're watching right now. I love you so much. You make me feel so much better and I can't wait to come home. I miss you my love" Sarah said and blew a kiss to the camera and I acted like I would catch it. The audience awwwed and Ellen smiled.

Tears streamed down my face and I had a huge smile on my lips. I wiped the tears away and Ellen asked Sarah "You brought pictures of the wedding for us to see, right?" "I did" Sarah smiled and looked together with Ellen at the little screen in front of them. The first picture was my dress and I saw that Sarah wiped some tears away. "She looks really beautiful" Ellen said and the audience agreed with her. "Yeah, I'm still overwhelmed at how beautiful she was. She's beautiful every day, but that day she was, I don't know. I don't even have words to describe her" Sarah said and choked because of her tears.

The next picture was one of Sarah in her dress and she was so beautiful too

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The next picture was one of Sarah in her dress and she was so beautiful too. "I decided to wear a simple dress and wanted (Y/N) to be the focus of our guests. I already have so much attention and just wanted, that my guests see what an amazing woman I'm marrying."

Ellen smiled and took Sarah's hand "That's definitely what happened

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Ellen smiled and took Sarah's hand "That's definitely what happened. You and your beautiful wife looked amazing. Oh it really looks like a fairytale."

Ellen's attention switched back to the screen, which showed what our garden looked like on our wedding

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Ellen's attention switched back to the screen, which showed what our garden looked like on our wedding. "Yeah, you should have seen it in the dark. It was like magic with all the lights" Sarah told Ellen smiling. "Now I'm really sad that I wasn't there" Ellen said and frowned. "We really missed you there" Sarah said and squeezed her hand. I nodded in front of the TV even though they couldn't see me.

"Okay Sarah thanks, for sharing some pictures of your wedding with us and give your beautiful wife a hug and a kiss from me" Ellen said and stood up. She hugged Sarah and smiled. "I will" Sarah said back and walked away. After she was backstage she grabbed her phone and called me.

I jumped at the sudden noise of my ringing phone, but immediately accepted the call. "Hey Sar" I said. "Hey my love, did you watch it?" she asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, it was incredibly. I had tears in my eyes" I told her and new ones were streaming down. "Me too, it was so great to show some pictures, but I really like to see you now" Sarah said and got quiet. "Same thing here. So up with your ass and come here" I demanded and laughed and Sarah said "Yes Ma'am. I'm already on my way."

"See you soon my love" Sarah said and I heard her car unlocking. "I love you Sar, drive safe." "I will. Love you too" she answered and ended the call.

Okay, okay. That's really the last one. I couldn't stop myself 😳

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