Chapter Thirty Nine

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I heard her sigh and held my hand out for her "Could you please come here?" She didn't move for a few seconds, but then she came towards my bed and took my hand in hers. The moonlight lit the room up a little bit and landed directly on Sarah. "You are so beautiful" I whispered and tucked at her hand.

She sat down on my bed and turned to me. Her hand went to my cheek and stroked some strands off of my face. "I would do anything for you to remember me." My hand laid over hers on my cheek and I nodded. "I can feel a connection between us and really want to remember" I whispered to her and she nodded. I could see the tears on her cheeks and wiped them away. I studied her face and tried to remember. "You really are a sight for sore eyes" I mumbled and my thumb stroked over her bottom lip. She pressed a light kiss against it and leaned her face into my palm. "You're beautiful, even with all that stuff attached to your body" Sarah mumbled.

We stayed like this for a couple of minutes and just watched each other. "I should leave" Sarah whispered and stood up. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me. "Please stay, it's scary in here and I really want you here with me" I whispered and could see the smile on her lips. "Of course I will stay." Sarah pulled a chair next to the bed and I asked "Would you maybe lay down with me?" Sarah nodded and climbed onto the bed. She took her shoes off and sneaked under the blanket.

I moved closer to her body and laid my head on her chest. "Is this okay?" "Oh sweetheart it's more than okay. It's perfect" Sarah whispered and moved her hand to my waist. My own hand sneaked under her shirt and laid on her stomach. "I hope it's okay, somehow it makes me feel safe." "You know, you always did this, when we slept next to each other." "Really?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes, you always told me that you feel safe when you could feel my skin and you always slept well when you did it." I nodded and smiled a little bit. She kissed my head and whispered "Try to sleep little girl, I'm here." Sarah hummed a song I couldn't recognize and drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up, still in Sarah's arms but with pain in my head. I groaned and grabbed my head. Sitting up I accidentally woke Sarah and she immediately asked what was wrong. "My head, it hurts so much." Sarah stood up abruptly and ran out of the room. A minute later she came back with a nurse and she checked on me. "Everything is okay, the painkillers stopped working. That's why you're in so much pain. I will give you some of them after you ate something okay?" I nodded and she left. Sarah came to me and caressed my head. She kissed it and I sighed. Her presence calmed me down and I took her hand.

Sarah sat down and I looked at her. As we waited for my breakfast I asked her if she could tell me something about our relationship. "There's so much to tell. When I spotted you in my classroom the first day at school, I knew I already had hard feelings for you. It was really hard for me to talk some sense into you and accepting the feelings we had for each other, but it was all worth it. You always tried to bring some distance between us, because I'm your teacher, but in the end that didn't change anything. We ended up together nonetheless. We were at the set of American Horror Story with the theater class and proved each other that nobody could come between us. We didn't known each other for a long time, but I love you like it's an eternity. Just a few people know about our relationship, because I don't want you in the media, yet. But now this" Sarah ended and I saw the tears on her face. I wiped them away with my thumbs and whispered "Please don't cry."

Sarah looked into my eyes and wanted to say something, but the door opened and the nurse came in with something to eat for me. "Here (Y/N), your breakfast and some painkillers. There is something for your girlfriend to eat too, since she slept here all night." She winked at me and I giggled and thanked her.

While we ate I watched Sarah and thought about all the things she told me about us. After breakfast I asked Sarah what she wanted to say before we got interrupted. Her cheeks flushed red and she scratched her neck. "Can I kiss you? Maybe it will help you remembering" she mumbled and avoided my stare. "Sarah" I said after she still refused to look at me. She looked up and I whispered "Please kiss me."

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