Chapter Twenty-six

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"There is the crush again" she giggled and I nudged her shoulder. "Shut up and let me watch. She's amazing." It was mesmerizing to watch her acting, she was so into that role and it was inspiring. When she was concentrated her lisp was perfect to hear.

After Ryan yelled "Cut" we clapped and cheered. "That was awesome Ms. Paulson" I said to her and she thanked me. "I hope you found it inspiring" she smiled at me and I nodded. "Yes it was." Emma came to us and said to me "So since it's end of work I thought we could go and grab a coffee. What do you think (Y/N)?" Sarah stared at me and I declined Emma's offer. "No thanks, I'm rather exhausted but I think Jasmine would love to hang out with you a little bit" I told Emma and Jasmine stared at me. "Yeah sure why not, maybe next time." She linked her arm through Jasmines and she mouthed me a thank you. I gave her a thumb up and laughed. Our principal gave us our phones back and I said to my friends "I will go back to the hotel, I need a nap." "Typical" (Y/F/N) laughed. "Shut up, you know me" I laughed too.

"Okay guys, we'll come back here tomorrow and now we head back. Back at the hotel you can decide what you want to do, it's your free time" the principal said and we nodded. At the hotel, I walked straight to mine and Sarah's room and waited for her. We had silently agreed that she would come right after me to the room. You know with a hand motion or something like that.

It took her 20 minutes and I was asleep when she arrived. It was after all an really exciting and exhausting day. I felt kisses on my face and hands under my shirt, when I woke up. "Wake up little girl" Sarah whispered in my ear and I opened my eyes. "Hey" I smiled at her and she kissed me. "Hey sweetheart." "You still angry?" She shook her head and answered "Not anymore. You okay?" I pulled her on top of me and nodded. "Yes I'm fine. I loved your work. You are so fantastic and I'm really thankful that I had the opportunity to see it."

"You were fantastic yourself. I think I will give you a good grade for that performance." Sarah rolled down from me, but pulled me with her so I was on top of her now. "Just good?" I asked offended. "Excellent" she laughed and we kissed. "That sounds better" I giggled and tickled her sides. She laughed and tried to stop me. "Please, stop. I'm too ticklish" she laughed and I continued a little bit. "But I like your laugh" I said as I stopped. "You're so sweet" Sarah said and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I hate it when someone else is flirting with you" Sarah told me after a while and I narrowed my eyes. "What did you told Emma anyway?" Sarah stared directly at me and answered "That she can't kiss one of my students without permission." She was angry again and I caressed her cheek. "My love, don't be jealous. It was just a performance, you said it yourself I belong to you. I'm yours and that won't change."

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