The disappearence of Peter Parker pt. 1

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I wasn't ready

Enjoy some of this soft friendship

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Enjoy some of this soft friendship

(End of my emo freakout)

And on with the story...

"Hey loser," A smiling Michelle says before her and Peter part ways.


"How does eight sound for our date?"

"I'm free," Peter says, "It's a date,"

"I'll see you soon," Michelle says they, unlock their hands from each other and part ways.

Only she didn't see him soon...

When Peter didn't show, Michelle was mad and disappointed at the same time. More mad than disappointed really and boy did he have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow.

The only problem with that was he didn't show up tomorrow and part of Michelle was a little bit relieved but deep down that worried her and Ned.

It wasn't uncommon for Peter to not show up in the mornings if he was out late the previous night while on patrol. But it wasn't like him to ignore his friends +50 calls and text asking where he was.  

It's been two weeks anybody has seen Peter Parker and of course, nobody thought much of it. Everybody just assumed he was he was sick or some other excuse teens use to skip school these days.

But those people didn't know Peter like Ned and Mj did.

Even Flash who has spend half of his life tormenting Peter knew this wasn't like him.

As soon as he didn't show up for first period they knew something was wrong because Peter never missed school, yes he was late but never absent. Even if it was late, he always told his friends to give them a heads up so they wouldn't worry.

MJ had to stop Ned from going into full on freak out mode and try her hardest to convince Ned that Peter was sick or overslept.

Which deep down, they both knew was a lie because Peter never got sick and even when he was sick, he still went to school.

It wasn't till the Friday of the two week mark on his disappearance when chaos went down. When Tony rang up May's cell to make sure it was still okay for Peter to spend the weekend at S.I. But he got no answer.

He didn't start to worry until the kid didn't show up for when Happy went to pick up Peter from school on Friday.

And Ned had to explain to Tony that nobody's seen or heard from Peter in half a month.

That's when Tony went to Peter's apartment only to find no sign of Peter and May's deceased body with a gunshot wound in her chest...

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