Why don't you run from me

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omg tysm for 20.3k reads! I would do an A/N chapter for it but I know that those are annoying and yeah. Whoever is reading this, you're awesome :)

When Peter woke up, he didn't know where he was so he went with his first instinct.


"Woah, hey. Calm down, underoos," Peter heard his dad say and he starts to calm down.

"Why am I here?" Peter said groggily.

"You had a nightmare last night,"

"Oh," Peter didn't remember what the nightmare was about but it made sense, he's been having a lot of them recently.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really,"

The truth is he couldn't remember what the nightmare was about. Which was good.

"Uh... okay. Are you going on patrol today?"

"I don't think so. The crimes been slow," Peter responded which was technically true but the real truth is that he was scared to go on patrol.

Ever since the recent stalking incident, his senses were always warning him that someone was watching him even in Peter's sleep.

And the stalker would send him pictures of Peter out as Spider-Man wether he was sitting on the top of buildings or walking the streets, they were always watching.

And they knew everything.

"Well, everybody else is watching Seinfeld in the living room if you want to join them,"

Peter looked confused, "What time is it?"


"Shit, I'm late for school!" Peter exclaimed as he jumped out of his bed. Only to regret it when he got a head rush, "nope bad idea,"

"I already cleared you for the day so you don't have to worry about it," Tony seriously wondered how his kid was still in school, Peter was offered the opportunity to skip a grade but Peter  declined it because he knew that he would feel out of place with the seniors.

"Dad I wanted to get perfect attendance this year," Peter wined.

"Your mental health is more important," Tony knew he sounded like a hypocrite considering he didn't worry about his mental health like he should. But Tony's reasoning was worry about my mental health and not focus on his sons or ignore his and worry about Peter's.

"Not really, Ive been ignoring it for years," Peter says, Tony can't tell if he is joking or not.

"Relax dad I'm kidding," Peter clarifies.

"You better be or else I'll hire you a therapist,"


Peter was walking the streets at night. And that's why he found himself in a dark alley but he had his music so he was good.

Which probably wasn't the the best idea considering he had somebody stalking him but he didn't care. Peter needed to clear his head.

"Peter," A low voice that sounds more feminine than masculine whispers, Peter takes out his earbuds, looks around and sees nothing.

"FRIDAY, scan the neighborhood for any people within this area," Peter whispers.

Friday doesn't answer, Peter's knew he was in deep shit.

"Peter," The voice whispers again.

"Who are you?" Peter shouts, putting on a brave face as he is about to face whoever is out there.

"If you knew who I was then this game wouldn't be fun anymore," The voice whispers, Peter scoffs.

"So this is just a game to you?"

"A very fun game to be precise,"

"Guess what asshole. I am going to kick your ass and you are going to lose. Have fun watching me beat you at your own game," Peter spats out, the voice smiles to themselves from the shadows.

This was more fun than I thought. The figure thought to themself.

"How are you going to do that if you don't even know what the game is,"

Peter scoffs, "You clearly need to catchup with your "research" I'm basically a genius. I'll figure it out,"

"Before or after I slice open your throat?" The voice whispers, Peter can feel them breathing down his neck.

But he isn't scared.

"Preferably before," Peter hears objects clattering and his senses warn him that danger is approaching and he starts running like there is no tomorrow.


"Holy shit kid what happened to you!" Clint exclaims when Peter runs in the living room where Clint, Nat, Bucky, Wanda, Tony and Steve were eating Shawarma. It took a second for Peter to notice Pepper wasn't there.

"Where's Pepper? Peter asks, ignoring Clint's question.

"She had an out of town meeting, she told you this yesterday," Tony said then went back to happily eating his shawarma.

"Where did you go? You were gone for almost an hour," Natasha asked.

"I took a walk," Peter replied, he sat himself next to Wanda, Natasha studied him to see if he was lying he wasn't now. But she could tell that he was hiding something.

And she was going to find out no matter the cost.

I honestly didn't even know where this story was going this point. There are going to be a few more chapters idk how much more I'm still deciding and yeah.

Sorry I haven't been as active as normal, school just started and my color guard schedule is a busyyyy and yeah.

*You should listen to a song called "like a river" by Bishop Briggs you won't regret it you've probably heard it tbh*

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