What do you know?

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Y'all my school just got cancelled from Wednesday to April 14th I'm so happy and sad at the same time. Also my winter season for color guard got cancelled I'm dying :(

So it turns out Graham isn't a crazy stalker. He's just creepy. Which did not help Peter's nerves at all considering he had a stalker and all.

Speaking of his stalker, him and Natasha did some digging and it turns out the windows in S.I. are tinted so that means the stalker couldn't see inside of S.I. Which only meant one thing.

The stalker was somebody on the inside.

Natasha did some digging and it turns out the only people with access to the third floor are the avengers (obviously), Peter, Pepper, Ned, Mj and the one and only Bucky Barnes.

Why Bucky has access, Peter and Nat had no idea.

At first Peter suspected it was Bucky with the whole ex assassin gig and all. And had a pretty solid theory but Natasha said that Bucky was in a rehab facility so he can figure out this whole one arm thing and get better mentally.

And quite frankly, it was best that the Natasha and Bucky kept their distance.

But then of course, Tony had to deliver some news when they were having dinner.

"Do you guys remember my-"  Tony hesitates to look for the right word, "friend Bucky Barnes?"

Peter nodded, "Yup,"

"Sadly," Natasha replied.

Natasha and Bucky have bad blood. Even more so than Tony and Bucky. Nobody knows what happened between them. Not even Steve!

And that's saying a lot.

"I know you two have bad blood-" Tony starts.

"Just say what you want to say," Natasha interrupts, wanting to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

"A-Anyways, Bucky is coming to visit. Him and I are going to make amends and he is going to help us with a mission," Tony says.

Natasha glares at Tony, "I am not going on a mission with that b-"

"Ba,Ba, Ba, Ba!" Tony interrupts, "Peter is around,"

"With that bitch," Natasha says coldly.

"Then you can stay here with Peter,"

"Fine," Natasha says.

"When is he getting here?" Peter asks, trying to break the tension.

"In an hour," Tony says.

"Shit, Tony an hour is not enough time for me to mentally prepare myself to see my e-" Natasha catches herself, "To see my enemy,"

'Was she just about to say ex?' Peter wondered to himself as he took a bite of his noodles.

Tony sighs, "I'm not asking for you to socialize with him. I'm just asking for you not to kill him,"

"I just don't think that is possible, Stark," Natasha admits.

One hour later...

Peter, Natasha, Wanda, Steve and Tony are in the living room watching old Shane Dawson videos when Bucky walks into the room. Steve is the first notice him.

"Bucky!" Steve says as Bucky walks in carrying two bags, everybody stands up and walks towards Bucky, including Natasha.

"Hey, Rogers," Bucky says as the two embrace.

"Long time no see, pal," Steve says with a smile.

"Too long, if you ask me," Bucky says with a warm smile.

Yet shockingly Tony isn't jealous of the two. Natasha on the other hand is an emotion dirtier than jealous.

Anger and hatred.

"It's a good thing nobody asked," Natasha says coldly.

"Classy as always, Romanoff," Bucky chuckles.

"Don't talk to me," Natasha snaps, "Were not friends,"

With that, Natasha leaves the room Peter follows. This is too awkward for him. Also he didn't think she should be alone right now.

"Hi, I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff" Wanda greets with a friendly smile, hoping to ease the tension.

"Miss Maximoff, I've heard all about you," Bucky says as the two shake hands, Wanda almost chokes.

"Y-You have?" Wanda stammers.

"I've read some of your files," Bucky clarifies.

'Something is off about him' Steve thought to himself.

This isn't the Bucky I've known my whole life...

I actually forgot I had this mini story oops

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