Mom mode activated

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'Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine brighter'

This was a requested one shot I forgot who requested it but it's the romanrogers + Peter as their kid one so yee

"Mom who's going to be picking me up from school since Happy is sick?" Peter Romanoff-Rogers shouts before he pushes the button on the elevator.

"Dad and I can," Natasha shouts back from the kitchen where her and Wanda were baking muffins.

"Thanks mom, just please don't let dad embarrass me!" Peter shouts praying that today doesn't go as bad as his entire week has.

"No promises!" Natasha shouts back, Peter chuckles and starts the elevator.


Peter was screwed. Flash was in a bad mood which was bad for Peter considering it always ended with a black eye Peter always told told his family that it was from patrol.

He hated lying to his family but god knows what they would do so Flash if they caught him bullying Peter.

And as if of right now, Peter was running down through the halls trying to outrun a very angry flash followed by his goonies.

"What are you running for, Parker. Are you scared or something?" Flash shouts causing Peter to flinch. 'Shit' Peter thought, 'there's no way I can outrun him now'

Peter doesn't care though, he runs as fast as he can to a place behind the school that he found.

Peter can't hear footsteps following him anymore so he stops to breathe. 'God I hate running'

Peter turns around only for his face to meet Flash's fist causing Peter to fall and flash starts kicking him in the ribs as Peter tries his best to protect his face.

Natasha was starting to worry, she's been waiting in the parking lot for fifteen minutes and Peter hasn't came yet and Peter was never late.

"Just give him 5 more minutes, Babe," Steve says, practically sensing his wife's anxiety.

"But what if something is wrong? What if he's hurt or they took him again!" Natasha exclaims. There is no way she is letting those monsters near her son ever again. Not while she's alive.

Steve sighs, "Fine. But I am not taking the blame if Peter gets mad when you embarrass him,"

Natasha chuckles, "Deal,"


Natasha and Steve were officially in freak out mode. They've searched the entire school and still no sign of their kid, they searched every classroom and around the school and still no sign of Peter.

"Nat we should go back. It's getting late. Who knows he might of just walked home," Steve says as the two walk down an alley behind the school that looks like a place Peter would hang out.

"And not tell us? No way, Peter is more responsible than that. He knows if he left without telling me I would freak out,"

Steve opens his mouth to respond but stops when him and Natasha see three guys beating a kid.

"Look whatever I did to make you mad, I'm sorry. Just please stop. If I come home like this and my mom sees-" The boy on the floor starts but is interrupted by a tall kid with brown hair punching him on the side.

"Shut up Penis, you don't have a fucking mom," The older boy spats.

"Hey leave him alone!" Steve shouts as him and Natasha run up to the boys to break up the fight.

Peter Parker one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now