Say you wont let go

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Peter's P.O.V.

I never really given much though on how I would die. I always told myself I have more time, I don't need to think about it. Enjoy life, don't worry about after until it's... after.

Here I am, dying in a hospital bed with nothing I can do about it. It's out of my control. I don't remember what happened, but I can hear the monitor beeping and people talking to me. Begging me to wake up. But it's out my control. Which meant I was at the hospital.

I don't know how long I've been like this. All I know is that it's been too long. I need to do something. I can't keep putting my family through this. It isn't fair to them.

I feel warm, smooth hands hold onto mine. I don't know who they belong to until I hear their voice.

"Hey Peter,"  I hear a feminine voice say. It sounds like she's been crying.

I recognize it at Mj's voice.

"Um, The doctors don't know how much longer you have left so they told your loved ones to say goodbye while they still can," Mj sniffles.

"This isn't necessary a goodbye. I was planning on visiting today before I got the call," With that, I felt a teardrop fall onto my hand.

"It's just... please wake up Peter. I know I'm asking a lot and I know you might not want to given well everything. But it's okay if you don't wake up. It's okay if you let go. But god, I need you," Mj begs.

"I need you more than I realized. And I'm only saying this to you because you probably can't hear me. But whatever happens it's all up to you,"

"You get to decide how this ends,"

Wake up dammit. Don't keep putting them through this! You're Spider-Man, you've been crushed by a building it shouldn't take something as little as a gunshot wound to take you out.

If you can't do it for yourself, at least do it for those you love.

For those you love.

With that, I gathered all of my strength to squeeze her hand.

Anything to let her know that I'm still here.

I can hear her gasp, "Peter?"

My eyes flutter open, 'Was the earth always this bright?'  I wondered to myself.

"Hey Mj," My voice was raspy. I should've coughed first. But that would've made it sound like I was sick.

Mj wipes her teary eyes, "P-Peter?"

Why is my mouth dry as hell?

I tried swallowing, which ended up hurting, "Did you really think a gunshot wound was going to kill me?"

I notice tears coming from her eyes, god her eyes are beautiful. I need to compliment them more often.

It only took me a second to realize it was tears of happiness, the only tears I want to be the cause of, "Fair point it is you after all. Do you need water or anything?"

"Water and a doctor. Please and thank you," I say in between coughs.

"Right. Somebody may need to know that you're awake," Mj said as she got up to get a nurse.

Okay first of all what the hell happened to me and how long have I been here?

I remember being excited for a date with Mj.

I remember us talking about our hypothetical future where her, Ned and I are at Harvard. The three of us and whoever Ned is seeing at the time share house together off campus. Getting coffee before school.

I remember a loud noise, which startled both of us.

Then sound her screaming and it all went black.


I got shot.

"Hello, Mr. Parker," The nurse says as Mj brings her in, Mj walks over to my side and gives me a small cup of water with ducks on it.

"Howdy," I reply then I take a drink of the water.

"Um... how long have I been in here?" I ask.

"Um about two to three weeks," The nurse replies.

"Holy sh-"

"Are you really about to cuss in a hospital, Parker?" Mj says with her hands on her hips.

"I was," I said with a small smile, "But then you stopped me,"

"Also I love you," I added.

"Love you too," Mj responds.

"Sorry to interrupt this teenage romance but is there anybody that I can call to alert them about you being awake?"

I pause for a second. Oh wait, Tony might want to know that his son is awake.

"Can you call tony stark please?" 


Five minutes later, Tony came running- and I mean running into my room.

"Did you run all the way here?" I question, instead of answering, Tony pulls me into a hug.

"Never scare me like that again,"

"I won't,"

Holy shit guys thank you for 200k reads 😭😭😭

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