Mr. and Mrs. Jones

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Okay Peter, breathe. You can do this. I took a shaky breath and knocked on the door three times. Knocking is better than ringing right? I didn't want to annoy them and have her family not like me. Should I knock again? Did they hear me?

Shut up Peter, don't stress yourself out.

After a few seconds of waiting, a kid about the age of 12 opens the door. Probably her brother that she's always complaining about.

I give him a friendly wave "Hi, um I'm Peter,"


Mj is probably going to kill him for that later.

"MOM REMIND ME TO MURDER MARCUS LATER," I Mj shouts from wherever she is.

"Marc, don't embarrass your sister in front of her boyfriend," I hear what sounds like a woman's voice shout from inside.

Are they going to let me in or...?

"Marcus, quit being an idiot and let Peter in," Mj says, making her way to the front door probably to greet me.

"Are you going to come in or not, dork?" Mj joked.

"I was thinking we could just eat out here, the weather is nice,"

Mj rolled her eyes and dragged me inside.

Time skip to dinner because I'm lazy and running on 4 hours of sleep.

So far, Michelle's family was pretty nice, we played some board games and talked until it was time for dinner.

"Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Jones says.

Everybody sits in their seats, I stand there not knowing what to do, Mj pats her hand on the empty seat next to her that was saved for me.

"I made lasagnas,"

"Thank you Mrs. Jones," I say after she puts a slice of the lasagna on my plate.

"Please Peter, call me Kate,"

"Um, okay Thank you, Kate," I correct.

Everybody was doing their own thing an eating Mr. Jones asked me a few questions about my life like what I like to do on my free time and what grades I get and stuff like that.

It was all going well until they asked THE question.

"So, Peter, what do your parents do?" Mr Jones asks.

Mj and I look at each other and my face paled.

I look down at my empty plate and clear my throat "They used to be scientist,"

"What are they now?" Kate asks me clearly not hearing the used.

"Six feet under," I say quietly.

"Can you speak up?" Her dad asks.

"They're dead," I say loud enough for them to hear.

Everybody goes quiet and Mj grabs my hand from under the table.

"I um live with my aunt, may I be excused?"

"Of course,"

3rd persons p.o.v:

It's awkward after Peter leaves to "use the bathroom" Mj is giving her dad one her famous death glares.

"I didn't mean to-" her dad starts but Mj cuts him off.

"No dad! This is exactly what I was worried about. I told you not to ask about that stuff last night and what did you do? You went ahead and did it anyways and now he's probably not going to want to come over again and it's your fault," Mj yelled and went to the bathroom to check on Peter.

He wasn't crying when she walked in but she knew that Peter was upset.

"Well at least they didn't ask about Ben," Peter joked with a weak smile, Mj went to sit next to him.

"I'm sorry about that, I told them not to ask about that and they didn't fucking listen," Mj sighs,

"I'm not mad about it. I just needed some air... Before all of that, do you think they liked me?"

"I think they do. Although my brother might make it impossible for you to leave,"

Peter chuckled, "I'm just glad that they liked me,"

"I wasn't really worried about it, everybody loves you," Mj said and kissed Peter on the cheek.

"Well what's not to love," Peter joked with a smirk, Mj rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you," She said softly.

"I love you too,"

Little did they know that her little brother was eavesdropping at the door.

And he was so going to tease her about that later.

The end!

Wow this one is short and fluffy but y'all  deserve some fluf every now and then. This seriously took me two hours to write wow. Also, stranger things 3 comes out in THREE DAYS BITCHES!!!!!!! I'm so fucking excited it's good to be hard to stay away from spoilers though cause I'm watching it on the 6th with some friends (If you see this, hi Marissa) anyways, I hope you're having a good day.

Emo out!

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