What do you want from me?

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Normally walking in a dark alley by yourself in the streets of New York at night was a bad idea but Peter didn't care, if anything tried to attack him he knew he would be able to take them why? Because he was Spider-Man, and Spider-Man can take on anything.

But Peter Parker couldn't.

'Someone's watching' Peter's senses warned, he immediately looked around, but saw no one.

"Who's there?" Peter shouted, but no one answered he knew that they were still here because his senses were still going off, warning him that something was coming.

He began walking quicker, trying his best not to panic and he started to text Tony.

Me: Dad, I think somebody is following me. My senses are going off but I don't see anything.

Dad: Shit, are you close to the tower?

Me: Yeah, I'm like a few minutes away.

Dad: You remember protocol right?

Me: Yep.

Dad: Stay safe, I love you.

Me: I love you too.

After Peter finished texting Tony, he took a quick look around but he couldn't see anybody watching him. His senses were still going off so he was still on alert. It started raining so Peter put his hoodie on and his hands in his front pocket and started walking quicker.

Being the son of Tony Stark and all, it wasn't uncommon for someone try to follow him even though the information wasn't released to the public for this reason. All the public knew was that Peter was Tony's personal intern and they had a father-son relationship and Tony was very protective of Peter.

Peter's walking slowly turned into jogging as his senses kept on blaring 'you're being watched', he nearly had a heart attack when he felt somebody breathing down his neck, but he turned to see nothing.

When Peter got to the tower, he was soaked, his jacket was covered in water, his socks were wet and he was freezing. He immediately walked into the lab after saying his hellos to his family as he passed through the living room to find Tony working on something with AC/DC blaring through the speakers.

"Jesus Peter, you look like hell," Tony says when he sees the kid.

"Wow, love you too Dad," Peter said sarcastically.

"I know," Tony responded with a smirk, he loved being a smart ass sometimes, everybody was used to it by now.

"Did whatever was following you go away?" Tony asked, he knew that Peter could take care of himself but it's his natural instinct as a dad to worry about his son.

"Yep," Peter lied, his senses were still warning him that someone was watching him but for some reason and being the horror fanatic he was, he couldn't tell his dad. That always led to death or worse.

"I don't even get the point in following a sixteen year old I get it if you have a lot of free time but that does not give the creep that was following you the right to do that!" Tony ranted, and Peter was nodding along not paying attention to what he was saying because he was too busy looking at a text he just got from any known number.

Unknown: It's more rewarding than he thinks.

And as soon as Peter read the message, it disappeared.

"Are you even listening to my rant?" Tony asks, clueless of what was going on.

"Y-yeah, sorry. Ned and Michelle are blowing up our group chat," Peter lied, he hated lying to his dad but he didn't want to get him involved and have to pay the price, because most of the time, the price was death.

And he was right.

Part one of my mini story, I was listening to bury a friend by Billie Eilish all day and somehow I came up with this.

Also I have my first color guard performance and I am freaking out!!!! We're not done learning our routine and Jonathan (the director) keeps on adding stuff and changing stuff last minute so eXcUSe mE wHiLe I gO aNd HaVe A MeNtAl BrEaKdOwn.

You're welcome to join if you'd like.

Anyways, that's that. Part two should be up shortly depending on how busy I am later ✌🏻

Peter Parker one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now