Not another mermaid tale!

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This is not Peter P. or marvel related but I decided to share a story I had to write for English with you all since I am proud of it!

Everyone thinks they know the real legend of mermaids. Correction, they know the version that old sailors tell them to make mermaids come off as evil and blood thirsty villains.

Which is true in some cases but people do not care enough to know the full story on the birthings of mermaids.

Has anyone ever wondered why there were never any women on pirate ships? There is a reason for that, a sick, twisted, not to mention sexist reason. Many pirates believed that women were bad luck. Pirates did not allow women on board because they distracted the crew, which would anger the sea, causing treacherous conditions as revenge.

Pirates had a procedure for when women would sneak on board. It happened more than they hoped. The sea creatures loved it when that happened though. More food for them. Men did not have the same flavor, they tasted like bitter and greedy. Their hair was greasy and had a bad aftertaste.

So when Pirate Joe found Davina hiding in the basement, he knew it would be a bad day for her. Sea monsters have been circling the boat all day, lurking and waiting for someone to fall off board.

That happened more than it should have since sailors were drunk 90% of the time.

Today they knew the kraken would be out to hunt them and boy they were ready. This was just the type of weather that lured out the Kraken. It craved stormy weather with waves as tall as buildings. The sailors would later find out this weather was Aegir punishing the sailors for having a woman on board.

Davina jumped when she heard a loud boom!

The door came down, then Davina saw 10 angry Pirates staring at her like she was a horrible witch.

"So, yee thought yee could sneak onto my ship and get away with it?" Captain Hel spat as he walked through the crowd to approach the beautiful woman.

"What arr we going to do to the beautiful Wench, Hel?" Pirate joe asked.

"Hel, as in the Norse goddess of the underworld?" Davina asked while standing up. She had to show these pigs some drunk sailors did not scare her.

"What about it, beautiful?" Captain Hel spat. He did not need anybody up in his business about his name.

Davina grins, "Nothing about it, hotstuff,"

Captain Hel steps closer to Davina, they are now inches apart. "Unfortunately for you, we have a protocol for when women like you think they can sneak onto my ship."

Davina caressed his chest, leaned slowly towards his ear and whispered to Hel in a soft voice, "How about breaking a few rules for me, sugar."

"No can do, I gotta get my boys to respect me." he whispered back.

Captain hel, tucked Davina's beautiful chocolate brown hair back with his hooked hand, "What is your name,"

"My friends call me Davi," She says, walking towards each pirate in a circular motion staring them down to prove her dominance.

"Well, Davi-"

"You don't get to call me Davi. You can call me Davina," She says, slowly making her way to Captain Hel.

One of the pirates on board chuckles, "Me likey this one, sir. We should keep her,"

Captain Hel glares at Derek, "Did I say you could talk boy?"

"No, sir"

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Naughty boy, breaking the rules like that. You ought to make em' walk the plank" Davina says.

Captain Hel chuckled, "No can do. I only plan on making you walk the plank,"

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