I was the only one who believed in you

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Ummm this takes place after homecoming, Peter lives in the tower with Tony and the avengers and you can make something up for May.

Peter was having a bad day, it was just one of those days. Ned knew and tried cheering him up but nothing was working. Not even quoting Peter's favorite vines would work.

Flash kept on tormenting him and calling him things like "worthless" and "a waste of life" Peter was used to it, but it still hurt.

He didn't really know why he was in a funk but for some reason, those nine words Tony said when he took away Peter's suit 'I was the only one who believed in you' kept on playing in his head on a loop all day.

Which was not helping his self esteem.

Peter's P.O.V:

Turns out, 4 cups of coffee before school can not keep one awake after being up all night working in my lab on some new designs for my suit.

I unfortunately had to figure out the hard way after I fell asleep 10 minutes into English.

I normally enjoyed English, but Mrs. Reagan was ranting about something and I couldn't keep myself awake.


"Wade, I'm sleeping no time for cuddles," I mumble.

I feel something hit the back of my head 

"Penis! Wake up,"

I lift my head up and wake myself up.

"Welcome back, Peter, glad you were able to come back from the land of the dead," Mrs. Reagan says, the class chuckles.

I adjust myself in my seat, "Sorry, Ma'am,"

"Yo, Penis, who's Wade, is he another one of your pathetic friends?" Flash teases, a few of his friends laugh and Mrs. Reagan glares at him.

'I was the only one who believed in you'

I ignore him, but Mrs. Reagan doesn't, "The people who are in Peter's life are none of our business, Eugenie, so I suggest you continue doing your work- which you probably won't finish anyways and I don't want to hear you talking like that unless you want a detention," Mrs Reagan snaps, a bunch of people say "ooooo"

'I was the only one who believed in you'

The bell rings, everybody grabs their books and walks out the class, I push in the chairs for my row since they were bugging me and I want her first period class for tomorrow to have straight chairs.

"Are you okay, Peter?" Mrs. Reagan asks when I approach her.

"I'm fine, why?" I say, then I let out a yawn.

"That's why, these past few days, you've been looking sleep deprived and your writing is looking sloppy,"

"I'm fine, really, I'm just sleep deprived because I've been working on a project outside of school, and I accidentally stayed up all night working on it" I explain, which is technically true because I was working on some new designs for my suit with Pepper.

'I was the only one who believed in you'

Mrs. Reagan looks at me skeptically at first, probably to look for signs to see if I'm lying, "It must be an important project if you stayed up all night working on it,"

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