The truth behind Natasha Romanova

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This part talks about history for a bit and I had to change a few small details to fit with the story and if you have any questions you can just DM me plus some stuff is a bit different from how marvel has it but just go with it

"Who here is familiar with world war 2," Peter's history teacher Mrs. Martinez asks. As expected, everybody's hand went up.

Peter never paid attention in history, he already knew all of this stuff. Even if he did have any questions he could just ask Bucky or Steve considering they have lived through most of this stuff.

But as always, Peter raised his hand.

"Who here has heard of or knows something about Benito Mussolini?" Mrs. Martinez asks, not shockingly only a few hands went up.

"And what about Nicholas the second or Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov?" Only a few hands went up at that one, including Peters he didn't know who he was but he has heard something about a certain Romanova.

Mrs. Martinez clicked her remote to switch the slide to reveal a picture of Nicholas Romanov and his family with some facts, "For those of you who don't know who Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov the second is, he was a Russian dictator from The Great War. Czar Nicholas II was the last Romanov emperor, ruling from 1894 until his forced abdication in March of 1917,"

"How was he forced abdication?" A student from the back asked.

"What is forced abdication?"

"Forced abdication is when someone in power is disown or renounce their throne. Nicholas the second was forced to abdicate due to him and his entire family being executed," Mrs. Martinez explained which was followed by an 'oh' from the student who asked the question.

"He was forced on July 17, 1918 to live in a fortified mansion in the town of Ekaterinburg, in the Ural Mountains, the Romanovs; ex-tsar Nicholas II, ex-tsarina Alexandra, their five children, and their four remaining servants, including the loyal family doctor, Eugene Botkin were awoken by their Bolshevik captors and told they must dress and gather their belongings for a swift nocturnal departure. The White armies, which supported the tsar, were approaching; the prisoners could already hear the boom of the guns. They gathered in the cellar of the mansion, standing together almost as if they were posing for a family portrait. Alexandra, who was sick, asked for a chair, and Nicholas asked for another one for his only son, 13-year-old Alexei. Two were brought down. They waited there until, suddenly, 11 or 12 heavily armed men filed ominously into the room. What happened next? The slaughter of the family and servants."

Peter raised his hand, Mrs. Martinez nodded at him which was basically her way of giving you permission to say whatever it is you have to say, "Did anybody survive?"

"Yes. Their daughter Anastasia Romanov survived the shooting. The jewelry she was wearing was basically a bulletproof vest,"

"Hear that ladies? Wearing jewelry can save lives," Hayley announces, causing the girls to chuckle.

A girl named Paige raised her hand, Mrs. Martinez nodded, "How did she escape?"

"Some say she waited until the guards left to make her exit and went into hiding. Others say she tricked the guards into letting her go. It really depends on who you listen to,"

Peter's hand goes up again, Mrs. Martinez nodded, "Did she have any children?"

"No one knows. Nobody's came forward claiming to be her offspring,"

'Nobody knows yet' Peter thought to himself.


"Friday, is Natasha in the tower?" Peter asked as soon as he walked into the common room after saying his hellos to the interns.

He didn't know most of them but he liked being friendly to them.

"Mrs. Romanova is currently in her room reading a book," Friday announced.

"Thank you fri," Peter says as he walked towards Natasha's room.

"My pleasure, Peter,"

"Miss. Romanova?" Peter asks as he knocked on the door minutes later.

"How many times do I have to tell you, kid? It's Natasha or Nat if you want," Peter heard Natasha's say.

"Sorry, Natasha," Peter mumbled as he sat himself next to her.

Natasha puts down her book, "What's up?"

"So in history we learned about a family that was massacred called the Romanov family," Peter studies Natasha for any slight change in her facial expression. Unfortunately, he has nothing.

"Where are you going with this?" Natasha asks.

"I mean it's kind of obvious," Peter says.

Natasha exhales, "Your suspicions are correct,"

Peter's eyes go wide, "Wait so you are a descendant from the Romanov family! Holy shit-"


"I can't believe I figured it out this could change history-" Peter rambles.

"It's not going to change history because you're not going to tell anybody. Got it?" Natasha interrupts.

"Why don't you want anybody to know?"

"My family has enemies Peter. It may have happened over a decade ago but there are still people with grudges over my family and their legacy. It's best if I lay low,"

"Does anybody else know?" Peter asks.

Natasha shakes her head, "Nobody but you,"

"Not even shield?"

"Not even them. Anastasia changed her name to Kassidy Paige Romanov and went into hiding. She completely disappeared. Then she had a baby who had a baby and then there's me," Natasha explains.

"The fourth generation Romanova," Peter finishes.


"The fourth generation Romanova," Natasha repeats.

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