Paintballing and kisses

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Enjoy this Petermj fluff one-shot where they go paintballing, I have never been so it might not be accurate

"I am totally kicking your butt parker!" Mj cackles from behind the boulder she is hiding behind.

Peter pops up from the side of the boulder and fires a shot, "It is your first time. I am going easy on you babe," Dammit, he missed. Mj was kicking his butt.

"Mhmm, sure you are," Mj says, she gasped when she thought of a genius plan to win the game. A sick, twisted, amazing, genius plan!

She got on her stomach and crawled toward the boulder Peter was hiding behind.

It is a good thing Mj is a stealth expert.

Mj tapped Peter's shoulder and he jumped. Peter turned around, "You just walked to your death, Jones."

Mj pulls Peter to her and kisses him hard, it lasts about 10 seconds and Mj pulls away.

"What was that for?" Peter askes, his cheeks are as red as cherries.

"It was for this," Mj says with a smile, she pulls her gun from behind her and fires a shot.

Peter gasps in shock and looks at where Mj got him, "Y- You shot me! You betrayed me!" he stammers.

Mj makes a fake frowny face, "I am not sorry. I told you I was going to win,"

Peter stares at his girlfriend with wide eyes, "You are going to be the death of me,"

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