I'm not going anywhere

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Skip and Skip related incidents

Tony has been staring at the equation on the screen for about a half hour, wondering where the hell he went wrong.

And he is pretty much clueless.

"You messed up over there," Tony hears a familiar voice say, Tony turns to see his "intern" Peter Parker behind him pointing to where he apparently messed up.

"Are you sure? I already checked that and it was correct,"

Peter shakes his head, "It's wrong. There is supposed to be a four there not a 2,"

Tony looks at the teen with a mixture of shock and awe written all over his face, "Kid, I've been staring at that screen for the past hour unable to solve it and as soon as you walk in you figured it out,"

"I guess working out equations when you are on your fourth day of sleep huh, Einstein,"

'Shit, he just said the "E" weird. You better not have a fucking panic attack right now,' Peter mentally told himself.

Instead, he shuddered and sighed, "Please don't call me that, Mr. Stark,"

"Sorry kid,"

Peter takes a deep breath and tries to calm  himself down, "I'm going to grab a snack, do you want anything, Mr. Stark?"

Tony can tell something is up with hi- the kid, "I'm fine, the real question is are you?"

"Yeah, I just got hungry all of the sudden," Peter hated lying to Tony but even if it happened 5 years ago, he still couldn't talk about it.

Peter so wasn't fine.

As a matter of fact, Peter was so not fine right now that he was currently in the bathroom trying to convince himself not to have a panic attack.

It wasn't going well.

Peter heard a soft knock on the door which he soon recognized as Tony's, "Kid, are you okay? You've been in there for a while,"

"I-I'm fine, Mr. Stark, my stomach is just feeling funny," Peter barley managed to stammer out.

Tony pauses for a second, "Do you need me to bring you anything?"

"Some water would be nice," Peter admits which technically wasn't a lie considering he could barley breathe right now.

"I'll be back in a minute," Tony says before he leaves, leaving Peter with himself and alone with his thoughts.

This wasn't going to end well.

"Is he okay?" Wanda asks when she sees Tony walk into the kitchen.

Tony looks up at Wanda who is sitting on the counter, "He said his stomach was feeling weird which was most likely a lie,"

Wanda sighs, "Teenagers these days,"

Tony chuckles as he skims the shelf for a water bottle note to self: organize the shelves when you get the chance, "I think he's hiding something from me," Tony smiled to himself when he reached for a bottle at the back of the shelf and walked by the countertop on his kitchen where Wanda was sitting and lifted himself up, almost falling in the process.

"I feel like there should be an age limit for doing these things," Wanda jokes.

"Oh quiet you,"

"What do you think he's hiding?" Wanda asks, thanks to her unfortunate powers, she already knew (but Peter didn't know that she knew) but she wanted to know what Tony's theories were.

Tony sighs, "I honestly don't know. We were in the lab and he helped me solve an equation and I said something I forgot what I said, calling him Einstein in the process and he said he had to use the bathroom and here we are,"

Wanda frowned, 'Einstein, that's what set him off. Poor kid'

"Maybe Einstein triggered him," Wanda blurts out but immediately regrets it.

"Why would the nickname Einstein trigger him?"

"That's up to you to figure out,"

And with that, he left.


Tony softly knocks on the door three times, "Kid, you still in there?" He could hear Peter's stifled sobs from coming from the other side of the door.

"I uh got the water you requested,"

No answer, "I don't know what I did to upset you I don't know if it was me calling you what I called you set you off or if your were just having an off day but I really am sorry,"

Still no answer, "But whatever it is, I want to be there to help you. And if it was me that set you off I really am sorry, Pete. I know you got your own shit to deal with but you don't have to deal with it on your own anymore. I can help you,"

The door slowly opens which reveals a teary eyed Peter with tears streaming down his cheeks, "H-he used to call me Einstein," Peter shudders at the memory.

"You are a genius, Einstein. I have some way can celebrate," Peter says with shaky breaths.

"We're almost done, Einstein," Peter says with a shaky breath, Tony clenches his fists in anger.

"Your nephew is one well behaved boy, May," Peter shudders at that memory.

Tears start streaming down Tony's face, "Kid, I-"

"If you even think about telling anyone I will hurt everyone you love more than I hurt you,"

"You're just an orphan, nobody's going to believe you," Peter says with more tears streaming down his face.

'It all makes sense now' Tony thought to himself, "None of those things that monster said are true, do you hear me?"

"Are they really though? He is right. I am just an orphan, I mean if it were you, would you believe the orphan kid who claims to have an internship with Tony Stark or a well respected Businessman slash part time babysitter?"

"I would believe the kid. Because the kid is nothing that monster said," Since Tony doesn't know the monsters name (lucky for him) he's going to continue calling him monster which is appropriate because he is indeed a monster.

"That kid is a bright young kid who everybody loves and tries to help everybody whenever he can and is the most selfless person I know," Tony says, Peter sniffles and smiles.

Tony looks down at his right hand that is holding the water which is now asleep, "Do you still want that water?"

Peter laughs and the two embrace each other, causing Tony to stumble a little.

Knowing this hug is going to last a while, the two fall onto the floor for what feels like eternity.

'Nobody will hurt you ever again' Tony thought to himself.

'Not while I'm around'

Why does it feel like is been for forever since I last updated even though I posted on Friday?

Also I probably won't be active next week since I have practice on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and maybe a game next Friday? Followed by an out of town tournament on Saturday so yeah it's gonna be busy.

It's our first tournament of the season so yeee

Mr. Fuckaccino update:

He moved me and Angel yesterday even thought we weren't talking what can I say he's an asshole

My new English partner and I got into a discussion on if football or color guard is harder so that's fun

Peter Parker one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now