Its okay not to be okay

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To say Peter had a weird way of dealing with his emotions would be an understatement, when he was happy he was really hyper and energetic. When he was sad, he watched depressing movies and listened to depressing music. 

Take today for example, today, he was pissed off. First, his bag broke and he has to carry his books until May can get him a new bag and it's one of those "low self esteem days" where your brain basically makes you hates yourself.

And the main trigger, Michelle started going out with the new kid who moved to midtown tech during the middle of last year, Damien. Peter didn't know that they started hanging out but apparently they were. And now they're dating.

Over the summer, Peter thought that his crush on Michelle had passed but apparently he was wrong and paid the worst price imaginable...

losing her.


It was lunch, and Peter, Ned and Mj were sitting under a shady tree with the rest of The Decathlon Team, Peter was at the edge of the circle of the group with Ned to his left and Sam to his right he regrets sitting there because naturally, Michelle was resting her head on Damien's shoulder listening to music.

Peter and Sam were bored so naturally, they prank called random numbers.

"Okay, okay. Do you want to do this one or do you want me to do it?" Sam says quickly as she starts to dial a number.

"You can do this one. I call the next one," Peter says, Michelle looks at the two and raises an eyebrow.

"It's dialing, it's dialing,- And we go," Sam says as the phone rings for a few seconds.

"Bonjour, Ca vá? Vous latex oui oui baguette,"

"Uh... who's this?"  The voice on the other line says, it sounds like a dude, Sam and Peter look at each other and he gestures  for her to answer.

"J'mapple is frenzion, Non?" Sam says in a fake French accent.

"Is this a prank?"

"Cu latzhes prunk?" Sam says pretending to sound confused, the person they called hung up on them, the two shared a look before bursting out laughing.

"Oh my god-," Peter says between giggles.

"That was amazing," Sam finishes.

"What did you even say?"

"I have absolutely no idea, I just made up words that sounded frenchy enough and hoped that he bought it,"

Peter gives her a look, "Didn't you take French your freshman year though?"

"Yeah but I didn't pay attention,"

"You really should pay attention in your classes," Michelle interrupts, the two look at her not realizing that she was listening.

"It's not my fault I'm ADHD,"

"Don't they have medication for that though?" Dean asks in an annoyed tone, he didn't even know these people. He was mainly here cause he wanted to be with his girlfriend.

"I didn't know at the time," Sam says defensively which was true since she found out mid-last year.

"Alright enough of the couple wars or whatever the hell is going on, time to play some music," Gavin exclaims before Sam could respond.

"Andddd we go," Gavin says and Royal by waterparks starts blaring through his phone.

Peter and Sam look at each other with a knowing look of what's about to happen before the beat drops.

"I WISH I WAS ROYAL BUT IM NOT," Peter and Sam yell at the top of their lungs.

Ned on the other hand is recording his friends being idiots praying they don't do anything too stupid.


When Peter got home, May wasn't there which wasn't surprising. May has been working longer shifts which sucked that she wasn't around as much but they needed the money.

So naturally, Peter did the first thing his brain told him to; blast depressing music or as he liked to call it, love the way you lie by Eminem even when Peter wasn't feeling depressed he still listened to the song a lot considering it was one of his favorite songs. That being said, he went to his desk and pulled out a notebook and some pens from the drawers and began to write.

Reasons why i am mad:

• Having to carry heavy ass books all day

• Augustus waters deserved better

• I am not worth anybody's time

Feeling invisible really helps with low self esteem issues :)

• Michelle has a boyfriend

• Michelle has a boyfriend

• Michelle has a boyfriend

And then he began to write in cursive:

Yes, you've had a rough week.

Yes, it feels like everything is gray and you can't seem to find the light.

You do feel invisible.

We know that you've lost faith
and don't know how much longer
you can hold on.

And you know you blame yourself when everything goes wrong.

You're not okay and that's alright.

That's just how it is.

Sometimes it's okay not to be okay.

But guess what, you.

You will get through this.

You will get through this just
like you got through every other
tragedy thats happened to you.

You can accept the fact that she's
with someone else. You can live with

But it's okay. Because you will get
through this just like you got through
every other bad week.

You don't need her to be happy.

You were doing just fine before her.

And you will get through this.

And you know what they say, two
people who are meant to be
will always find their way
back to each other...

Here's a sad little one-shot :) I'm working on a request that should hopefully be up this weekend? Idk I know what I want to happen in it but I don't know how I want to put in what I want to happen in the one shot. I know that makes no sense but that's the best way I could word it so yeah.

For the life updates... I have nothing going on expect for school and I got a performance next Friday cause it's the first home game of the football season so yeah. I'm not really nervous but oh whelp, I probably will be in an hour.

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