Spaghetti with a side of deathhetti

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Peter loved spaghetti, he didn't know why, Pepper made it almost on a weekly basis because she knew how much he liked it and would do anything to make her son happy.

Tony on the other hand had no idea why he loved it so much it was just so simple and very over eaten.

Needless to say, when Midtown Tech added spaghetti to the menu it became another thing that Peter looked forward to when he went to school aside from the learning aspect of it.

"I still don't get why you're so excited about this spaghetti thing. Pepper literally makes it for you almost every week. Yet you still get as excited as a toddler every time you have it" Ned asks his friend who is currently shoving spaghetti down his throat.

"Cause it's delicious," Peter says with his mouth full of food.

"Hey loser, eat with your mouth closed it's common curtesy," Mj chimes in from across the table, she doesn't care about their conversation but when she looks up from her book she does not want to see the chewed up food falling out of Peter's mouth.

"You know what I hate," Peter says, suddenly gaining Michelle's attention enough for her to look up from her book to pay attention to their conversation.

"What?" Ned asks, praying this isn't a prank.

"When you follow a really funny meme account on instagram and it slowly starts becoming a porno account," Peter says, then slowly takes a drink of his sprite he got from the vending machine.

"Sa-" Ned starts but gets cut off, realizing Peter wasn't finished.

"Like no thank you, I DO NOT WANT YOUR PORN!" Peter says a little too loudly, causing some people to look at their table.

"If I wanted to watch porn, I would've hid in the vents of Steve's room when he's having "late night talks" with Bucky," Peter says with air quotes around late night talks.

"Has that actually happened?" Ned asks, worried for his friends innocence.

"No, but I can hear them," Peter says with a shudder.

"Oh you poor child," Ned says while patting Peter's shoulder.

Peter's about to take a bite of the garlic bread when he stops himself but he realizes something, "I just realized I haven't had garlic in like five years,"

Ned rolls his eyes, not realizing that Peter was being serious, "No really," Peter says with his eyes widening as he gets more and more serious, "The last time I had it was like before the becoming," (the becoming is their code word for before Spider-Man stuff since he obviously can't say that around people).

"Oh shit, dude. You better enjoy that garlic bread then,"

"I will," Peter says then tosses it down his throat.

"Anywa-" Peter starts but gets interrupted by going into a coughing fit. At first he thought he swallowed it weird but the coughing fit slowly turned into him not being able to breathe.

"Shit Peter, are you okay?" Ned asks, he was used to Peter eating his food too fast and having a coughing fit but this was longer than most times.

"Can't breathe," Peter barley manages to wheeze out.

"Where's your phone? I'm calling your dad," Ned asks, searching in Peter's bag for his pocket and digs out his phone.

"He always keeps it in his front pocket," Mj helpfully points out, then gets up to help to help Peter while Ned is trying to contact Tony.

"Come on Peter, you're not dying on me today. Breathe in and out. Just copy me," Michelle says, in a shaky voice worried for her friend.

"I-it hurts," Peter wheezes out with tears pouring down his face, he was never one to cry in front of people- especially the entire school but these were different circumstances.  

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