Year 1 Ch. 1: The First Day

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Author's Note. This fanfic will be based the films only so keep that in mind that not every thing will be the same and some of the lore will change for the sake of the fanfic and me not having to memorize every little detail.
Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy

I wake up to the sounds of the roosters calling outside our little countryside farm; stretching and yawn I get out of bed. I proceed to the bathroom to get myself ready for the day. Yesterday I received a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy thanks to my families' Owl named Hermes. I was ecstatic nonetheless and when I showed my father he was excited as well. After getting myself and my trunk ready my father proceeds to put me into the fire place.

"Remember when using Floo Powder to travel you must speak loudly and clearly or else you will end up in some random local" my father says handing me the powder.

"Ok. Diagon Alley" I say loudly and clearly as I throw down the powder and green flames engulf me.

I open my eyes as I see all these people and places around me. I stare in awe as my father appears behind me and puts an arm on my shoulder.

*sigh*"your mother would be so proud of you Y/N" he says. "Now then first things first you go to Ollivanders shop to get your wand understand? I will go ahead and get your books and meet me here in five minutes. "

"Yes" I walk ahead leaving my father behind and walk into the Ollivanders wand shop

"Ah hello there I am Garrick Ollivander and who might you be?" A man with with white hair and brownish robes appears before me

"Oh I am Y/N L/N nice to meet you sir" I say sticking my hand out and he shakes it

"Well you must be here to get your first wand I presume?" I nod answering his question. " very well wait one moment" He walks around the store then takes out a box and opens it. "Here it is Birch wood with Pheonix Feather Core 9.5 imches" I take the wand and it the area around me starts to glow and I give Garrick a confused look. "Ah your first try at a wand and it chooses you. Of course why wouldn't it if it is made by the same material as the wand that your mother had."

"You knew my mother" I ask as I grip the wand tighter.

"Of course I remember every wand I ever sold and much like you, Maria's first try at a wand chose her as well. Where is she by the way would love to see her again"

I look down and answer "My mother died shortly after I was born"

"Oh I am sorry for your lose and deepest apologies for mentioning her"

"Its ok. Well thank you for the wand" I say in a saddened tone as I walk out. I am later joined by my father who then proceed to take me to the station and platform 9 3/4.

"Now remember what I said just because your mother left all that money for you that doesn't mean you can go spending it crazily. And-"

"Dad it's alright you and I know I can take care of myself"

"Oh I know" I see a tear run down his eye "just take care of yourself you hear me and do good and be respectful"

"I will" I say as I get into the train and give my father one last hug before we depart to Hogwarts. I walk around the train to find other compartments already full so I just join one with a two boys in it.

"Excuse me but do you mind if I sit here everywhere else is full"

"Sure take a seat. I'm Harry Potter. What's your name?" The boy with black hair asks me as he raises his hand for a shake

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