Ch.3: Troll Bonding

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Once Harry came back to us and we began to walk down a crowded hallway. We see a ghost named Sir Nicholas and a lady ghost float overhead.

"Have you heard? Harry Potter is the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well." Sir Nick tells the lady ghost

"Seeker? But first years never make their house teams! You must be the youngest Quidditch player in-"

"A century, according to Mcgonagall" Harry adds on cutting Ron off.

We continue walking as the red head twins, Fred and George come up behind us

"Hey well done Harry! Wood's just told us" Fred congratulates Harry

"Fred and George are on the team too, Beaters"

"Our job is to make sure that you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises, of course. Rough game, Quidditch." George says putting an arm around Harry

"Brutal. But no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally" Fred add as he and George break from the group.

"But they'll turn up in a month or two"

"Oh, go on, Harry, Quidditch is great. Best game there is! And you'll be great, too!" Ron says trying to reassure Harry

"But I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?" Harry answers questioning himself

We turn to see that Hermione had join us. "You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood" she says taking the lead and we follow behind

She leads us to a to a trophy case and points at a plaque with the name 'James Potter'

"Whoa Harry you never told us that your father was a seeker" I say still looking at the plaque

"I-I didn't know"

Well all start heading towards our dorms

"Its spooky she knows more about you than you do" Ron says to Harry

"Who doesn't?"

Just as I was going to ask Harry why people know of him so much the stairs change directions causing the other to stumble but me

"What's happening?" Harry asks regaining his composure

"The stair cases move remember" I say answering him. "Come one let's go this way before the stairs move again." We all walk forward opening a door that lead into a dark scary room

"Does anyone feel like we shouldn't be here?" Harry says looking around

"Thanks a lot Y/n you lead us to the 3rd floor; the only place, besides the dark forest, that we are forbidden to enter" Hermione says giving me an mad and concerned look

"Well sorry it was either this room or keep walking around aimlessly around the staircase" I say looking at her.

"Better lost than into trouble" she says looking around the room

Suddenly the torches in the room begin to ignite.

"Let's go" Harry says turning to the door

"Hey isn't that Mr. Filch's cat?" I say point to the brown cat with red eyes

"Run" Harry says as we run deeper into the room and get to a door

"Its locked" Harry says as he is struggling to open the door

"That's it we're done for" Ron says giving up

"Move" I say pulling out my wand. "Alohamora" just then the door unlocks and we run in closing the door behind us.

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now