Ch.41: Godric's Hollow

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A few days have passed since Ron had gone his separate way from us. Since then, Sarah has been quiet and only talks to Hermione and even then only briefly. We were all doing our own thing this evening. Harry was messing with the snitch, Sarah lying on her bed reading a book about poison spells, and Hermione reading the book that Dumbledore left her

"I wonder what this thing does?" I question to myself taking the ring, that Dumbledore gave me, off and inspecting it

Just then my stomach begins to growl quite loudly. I had hoped that only I heard it but no. Everyone in the tent turned to me

"You need to get you something to eat Y/n. You haven't eaten in almosg three days" Harry says concerned

"Yeah but... better that you guys have more to eat" I say as my stomach growls again

"Y/n I know that you care about our well being, sometimes more than your own, but you have to eat at least something" Hermione says sitting beside be

"She's right. You're gonna need all the strength you can get. And being hungry isn't gonna help with that" Sarah adds

"Ok. What do you suppose then?"

"You leave that to us" Hermione says sitting me down

Several minutes had passed and they had returned with some berries and mushrooms they were able to find. It wasn't entirely good but satisfying to say the least. After our dinner, we had gone to the tent and returned to our daily routine expect this time Harry figured something out as I walked into the tent and he was acting excited

"I almost swallowed it" Harry says

"Uh what are we talking about?" I give a really confused face

"Harry figured how to get the snitches flesh memories" Sarah says

"Look" Harry gives me the snitch

"I open at the close?" I read aloud. "What do you reckon it means?"

"I don't know but look, I've found something as well" Hermione shows us her book with a drawing of a triangle with a circle in it and a straight line going through it

"Wait a minute. Harry? Didn't you say that Luna's dad had a weird necklace with a triangle and circle in it?" I ask

"Yes I did. Do you think that maybe he knows something about this?" He asks

"I don't know but it couldn't be a coincidence" Sarah adds

"Hey guys. I've been thinking... I want to go to Godric's Hollow. Its were I was born. It's where my parents died" Harry says

"And its exactly where you know who will be expect you to go to. Because it means something to you" Hermione warns

"But it means something to him too. Remeber that you know who almost died there. Wouldn't that be a place where he would hide a Horcrux?" Harry explains

"I agree that it is dangerous but we have to take that risk. Whether or not we want to go, it's a place where I feel like we need to go. At the very least to find something or someone of use" I add

"Wait a minue. The sword of Gryffindor. The Ministry couldn't allow Dumbledore to give it away right?" Hermione asks


"Then what better place to hide it than the birthplace of the founder of Gryffindor" Sarah adds

"Alright so its decided then" I say and everyone nods. "Ok then let's go"

We all warped to the quiet and dark village. We were walking through the near empty streets. We got the stares of a few people on the street. This caused Hermione to wrap her arms around mine and Sarah to Harry as a means to get closer and be safer

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