Finale pt.2: Hey Brother

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...The clash is over and Remus falls over...dead

"Remus!" Cry out the two brothers in both anger and pain

"Oh my god" Hermione says quietly putting her hand over her mouth

Sam reaches into his pocket and takes out a corked flask with a blue liquid inside

"I'm gonna kill him" Sam says turning to Hermione. "Hermione give Y/n your wand" he says and she does so. "Follow my lead Y/n"

Sam runs with Y/n following behind

"You think you two can stop me?" Ben remarks. "Well you boys have something to learn about your old man" he lift his wand over his head and shoots a green flame that turns into a boar and then charges at us

"Aguamenti" Y/n casts protecting the him and Sam

"Take this" Sam throws the flask into the flame and it goes through before exploding and creating a surge of electricity going from the flame to Ben's hand

Ben staggers back and shouts in pain. He turns his head to Sam and begins to blast him. His attacks become more vicious and powerful making Y/n help Sam deflect the spells

"Sam we're two week like this. We have to-"

"No!" Sam interjects

"We have no choice!" Y/n retorts

Sam takes another flask out and throws it onto the flow below them creating a wall of ice that protects them

"That won't work" Ben smiles and charges a spell that causes the ice to explode sending the two brothers flying back. "You've got quick wits Sam. I must applaud" Ben says as he walks over to Sam

Sam begins to push himself back away from Ben as he slowly approaches

"Get away from him!" Y/n shouts making Ben turn to him before he is sent crashing into a pillar

Sam sets his eyes on Y/n who now has the Young Twin Wand in hand

"Y/n no!" Sam shouts

"Sam watch out!" Hermione shouts

The pillar explodes sending debris flying around the courtyard. Sam quickly gets up and casts a protective charm on the three. Ben emerges from the debris and sets his eyes on Y/n

"Killing you will be much easier" he takes out his wand and blasts at Y/n

"No you don't" Sam jumps in front countering the spell

They clash but Sam is forced to stop and roll out of the way. The spell counties it's way to Y/n who was now at of the way

"Sam you know you cannot take care of him forever. He will forget who he is and who all of you are" Ben says

"No he won't and I'm gonna make sure of it" Sam throws two more flasks that make contact with the floor and causes a fire geyser to erupt

"That won't be enough" Ben says as the fire disappears as he it being inhaled by Ben. Ben then shouts out the flame from his mouth onto Sam

"Protego" Y/n says appearing in front of Sam

"Stupefy" Hermione casts sending Ben back a few feet

"Y/n how're feeling?" Sam whispers to his brother in between his breathes

"Good. Hey who was that fighting Ben before we did?" Y/n asks not taking an eye off Ben

'God damnit its starting' Sam thinks. "Look Y/n you can't use that wand. You have to stay back"

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