Finale pt. 4: Bright Future

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The aftermath of the battle left a huge wave of grief and joy. Everyone had gone to the Great Hall to rest and recover from the battle. Most people were in high hopes and spirits as they celebrated the victory in the battle. Others grieved and mourn the death of family and friends

"We did it ay George" Fred says standing over a platform leaning on the railing

"We sure did Fred" George smiles and the two brothers embrace

"I can't believe its over" Dean says sitting down by a fireplace with a cup of coffee

"Its crazy to think that it is eh" Seamus says joining him

"I can't believe we did it" Neville says sitting on a cot smiling as happily as he can

"You really brave out there" Luna says sitting beside him

"Thanks you too" he says smiling

Hermione is seen sitting beside Y/n slowly running her hands through his hair as he sleeps peacefully

"So what happened? Did he you know..." Ron asks approaching with Harry

"He only lost a few memories. He doesn't remember who Remus is or his mum. Who knows what else he doesn't remember, but-"

"We'll be here for him. We'll make sure that he does" Harry says determined

"Thanks guys"

Sam is sitting down resting while leaning on a wall

"Looks like he did a number on you" said a voice making him turn over

"Oh Professor. What brings you by?"

"Well given the circumstances, I've been announced the new Headmaster of Hogwarts and if you wouldn't mind I have a request for you" Mcgonagall says

"A request of what sort?"

"I want you to be the new head of the Gryffindor house and the new Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor here" she says smiling

"It would be an honor and a privilege to do so Headmaster. Thank you" answers

"I should be the one thanking you. Given your condition, you never cease to amaze do you Samuel?"

"That's not for me to decide"

"Well I'll be seeing you my boy" she says patting his shoulder and leaving

Harry and Ginny were talking with each other while standing by an open window. Ron was with Sarah as they both sit close to each other holding hands and leaning their heads on each other. Hermione had stayed beside Y/n who now began to regain consciousness

"What happened?" Y/n says weakly

All Hermione could do was smile and hug Y/n as she let's her emotions out onto his shoulder

"Hey its ok. I'm alright" Y/n says returning the hug

Ron and Sarah approache Y/n and Hermione separates from him

"Good to have you safe Y/n" Ron says as he hugs Y/n

"You to Ron"

They separate and Sarah gives Y/n a hug

"Nice to see you back with us"

"Glad to see that both of you are safe and sound" Y/n says before a dry cough comes out of him and some blood falls onto his hand

"You'll need time to rest Mr. L/n. You have a few broken ribs but other than that you are fine. Just rest and the wrappings should heal you in a few weeks" Madam Pomfrey says walking past the four

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