Ch.2: Classes for the Masses

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After all of the first years students got sorted into their houses Professor Dumbledore gets up and announces the feast to begin and we turn to see the empty plates and dishes before us magically stock pile with food.

"I'm half and half. Me dad's a Muggle. Mam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out" the boy known as Seamus speaks aloud earning a chuckle from who we now know as Neville.

"Hey Percy" I hear Harry ask Percy, Ron's older brother, "Who is that teacher talking to Professor Quirrel?"

"That is Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house" the redhead answers

"What's he teach?" I ask getting the attention of the two

"He teaches Potions. However, everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. Been after Quirrel's job for years"

After discussing with the two we all turn our attention to the many ghosts popping in and out of the Great Hall and greeting the first year students and welcoming the returning students.

Once dinner had ended we were all told to follow our prefects to our dormitories.

"Gryffindors follow me please keep up thank you" Percy says to us making us know that he is the prefect for our house. "Keep up please and follow me." We all stare in awe observing the huge room with the staircases seemingly move from one direction to another.

We approach a painting with a large woman in a pink dress

"Password?" She asks Percy

"Caput Draconis" he answers as the woman nods and the painting moves inward revealing a door. "Gather 'round here. Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boys' dormitories, upstairs and down to your left. Girls, the same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up"

After going into out dormitories I cast an enchantment making my belongs organize themselves as I lay into my bed and fall asleep.

I wake up the next day and turn to see that Harry and Ron are still asleep. I get up off of bed and start to get ready. I still have not familiarized myself with the school so I decided to get up early to have time to spare incase I get lost. Walking into the common room I notice Hermione stepping out of the room. I quickly run following behind her.

"Hey Hermione do mind if I talk along? I'm not to familiarized with the school" I ask looking at the girl

"Sure just follow me" she says walking ahead of me. "We both have most of the same classes so I can lead the way and show you around the school"

"Thank you i really appreciate it" I say getting a smile and nod from the girl. After awhile walking we made it to transfiguration class with Professor Mcgonagall.

"Looks like we are here early. But where is the Professor? Hermione asks looking around the classroom

"She is there" I answer pointing at the cat on Mcgonagall"s desk

"Don't be silly that is a cat"

"No really that is her. Professor Mcgonagall is an Animagus. Right Professor?" I say walking over to the desk as she jumps off of it and turns back to her normal self.

"Very impressive Mr L/n let me ask how did you manage to discover this?" She asks praising me

"Well last night before I went to sleep I read on some of the learing material for each of my classes. So walking in today to class and seeing the cat I immediately that about an Animagus. Of course it could have been a lucky guess as well." I say chuckling a little

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