Ch.24: The Final Task

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The day of the final task has arrived. We were outside if the arena. Looking from where i was standing, I saw Y/n and Hermione talking and Harry was talking with Ron and other friends. I was sitting with Dumbledore on my left and Snape of my right

"Its been a while L/n" Snape says with the same unamused voice as usual

"It has hasn't it" I reply having my gaz3 fixed on Y/n and then Harry

"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the Tri-Wizards Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Potter..." Dumbledore begins and people begin to chant and cheer his name, "enters the maze first, he will be followed by Mr L/n, Mr. Krum, and Ms. Delacour. Now to all you champions... goodluck" Dumbledore finishes and Harry enters.

A few minutes pass and the others begin to go in as well. Not long after that I see the red sparks that Dumbledore had explained earlier go off.

I ran into the maze and began to hear bangs from the sky. I look up and see the red sparks.

"Looks like someone's given up"

I continue to run deeper in the maze. Narrowly dodging roots that tried to trip me, I see the cup a few feet away. I make a run for it and run into another person

"Ow" I say rubbing my head then looking up. "Harry?"

"Y/n! It's good to see you"

"Yeah. Do you know who gave up?"

"Yes. Fleur, tough luck on-"

"Get down!" I get Harry by the shoulders and dive out of the way. I gt up to see Viktor walking over to us with his wand ready to attack

"Professor something's wrong" I say getting up

"I feel it to. Go!" Dumbledore says as I nod and turn into a crow taking flight over the maze

"He's bewitched!" Harry exclaims

"Then we have to knock him out. Sorry Vik but it's for your own good. Stupefy" I cast stunning Viktor and knocking him down. I then send the red sparks. The maze begins to close in on us. "Come on lets go!" We make a run for the trophy and we both reach it but stop

"Go on take it" Harry says

"We don't have time. Come on one three. 1...2...3" I finish and we both hold the handles to the trophy and get warped to a new location. We appear in what seems like a graveyard

"This isnt good" I say walking around

"I've been here. The place in my dreams. Its here"

"The cup is a portkey"

"We need to get out of here now!" We begin to run for the cup but Harry stops and shouts in pain rubbing his forehead

"What's wrong?" I then look up and see Wormtail come out with something in his hands

"Trap them now" A low unsettling voice says. Wormtail then casts a spell that sends Harry and I to a statue and become trapped under the handle of the reaper's scythe. He then reveals a baby in his hands and drops it into a cauldron before us

"Bones of the father, unwillingly given" Wormtail begins taking the skeletal remains of a hand and puts it in the cauldron. "Flesh of the servent willingly sacrificed" Wormtail takes a pointed dagger and cuts off his own hand, dropping it into the cauldron. He then walks over to us "Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken" he cuts Harry on the arm and walks back to the cauldron and drops three blood drops. He then walks over to me and puts his wand on the temple of my left eye "Tear drop of the family, torturously recieved" the wand then begins to burn my temple and eye as eye shout in pain and begin to shed tears. He puts his wand away and collects the tear with his finger. He walks back to the cauldron and drops it. "The dark lord shall rise again"

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