Ch.37: End of Year Pt.2

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"Its where you've been going hasn't it Professor? When you leave the school" I ask placing down the ring

"Yes. And I think... perhaps... I've found another. But this time I cannot hope to destroy it alone" Dumbledore says walking over to us. "Once again I shall ask too much of the two of you"

We leave the office and walk down the gargoyle corridor and see Hermione and Ron walking towards us

"Hey. Its time" Hermione says taking the lead to go the courtyard

"Hermione. Is the Room of Requirement unplottable?" Harry asks

"If one wants it to be why?" Hermione answers

"It would explain why I thought Malfoy was leaving the castle when he disappeared off the map" Harry shrugs

"Do you think he was coming in here?" I wonder

"Of course! That also explains the Vanishing Cabinet as well" Hermione exclaims

"No. I got an owl from dad this morning. The one at Borgin and Burke's is still there" Ron adds

"But I'm telling you I saw it-" Harry pauses and looks at the twins passing by. "What if there are two Vanishing Cabinets?"

"What if there are?" I scratche my head

"I don't know..." Harry looks down

"Good luck mate" Ron pats his back

"I don't need luck. We'll be with Dumbledore" Harry smiles

We walk to the astronomy tower. We hear voices coming from the upper floor so me and Harry stay on the lower level. We peak through the open space and see Snape and Dumbledore talking

"Have you ever considered that you ask too much? That you take to much for granted? Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore?" Snape says in a frustrated tone

"Whether it has or it hasn't is irrelevant. I will not negotiate this with you Severus. You agreed. There is nothing more to it" Dumbledore responds

We walk up the steps and appear before the two. Snape glares at the two of us before turning and taking his leave. Dumbledore turns to us and smiles

"Harry you need to shave my boy. At times I forget how much you've grown. At times I still see the small boy from the cupboard" he the turns to me. "And you Y/n. You need a haircut my boy. This time next year you won't be able to see" he chuckles a bit brushing my hair to the side of my forehead with his fingers. "You've grown into a strong and kind young man. You are talented and always have been. Don't you forget that" he walks back a bit. "Forgive my mawkishness. I am an old man"

"You look the same to me sir" Harry says

"Me too" I add

"Like your mothers, unfailing kind" he smiles. "A trait people never fail to undervalue, I'm afraid. Listen both of you. The place we are traveling to is exceedingly dangerous. I asked you two to accompany me and I stand that promise. But there is a condition: you both must obey any command that I give you with no questions asked understand?"

"Yes sir" Harry answers

"Ok" I add

"Should I tell you to hide, you hide. Should I tell you to run, you run. Should I tell you to abandon me and save yourselves... you will do so. Your word, the both of you" Dumbledore finishes

"Our word" we reply together

"Take my arms" Dumbledore says sticking his arms out to the side

"But sir I thought you couldn't Apparate within Hogwarts?" Harry asks

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