Ch.16: Prizoner of Azkaban Pt.1

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The next morning we head out to the Black Lake where Hagrid was going to meet us. Recently he had a hearing to talk about Buckbeak and his 'assault' on Malfoy. Once we got there we say Hagrid in the lake skipping rocks. Harry sat on a boulder near the lake. Hermione and I sat near a tree and Ron stood beside Harry.

"How'd it go Hagrid?" Hermione asked

"Buckbeak liked London" Hagrid says with his back to us

"I meant the hearing" She says

"Oh, that. We I got up and said my bit. About how Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff and as long as ya treat him with respect, he give you respect too. The Lucius got up and said his bit. You know about how Buckbeak is a dangerous creature and no teacher with the right mind-" Hagrid says before getting cut off

"Wait hold on" I say standing up and walking over. "You said that Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff. Does that mean..." I say before pausing

"Draco. Its him that the committee should punish. Its him that they should send back to the forest, not Buckbeak" Ron says angry

"Buckbeak isnt going to the back to the forest" Hagrid says beginning to sniffle.

"Where's he going, Hagrid?" Hermione asks

"He asked for the worst you see. Lucius did and the committee granted it. Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!" Hagrid exclaims as he throws a rock and it crashes against the water.

The next morning came and we had Divination class and this time Hermione and I didn't use the Time Turner Necklace.

"Crystal-gazing requires that you clear the Inner Eye. You see..." Trelawney says then eyes Harry's crystal ball. "What do we have here?" She walks over and Hermione rolls her eyes and I yawn

"Here we go again. It's the Grim. It's the Grim" Hermione says sarcastically

"Yawn" I add

"My dears since the moment you arrived my class I sensed something in you two" she says taking my palm

"Oh yeah please do tell" I say in a sarcastic smile

"You soul longs for acceptance. After the discovery of your origin you fear that you can longer keep you friends safe and you are scared of losing them. One more than the other. Love is something that you are confused about. However given your history why try if you are only going to strike fear into the heart than love" she says before walking over to Hermione. "I sense that you do not have the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul is as dry as the pages of the books that you so desperately cleave" she finishes before Hermione gets up and knocks the crystal ball from the table and she leaves the room

I stand up and walk over to the door before turning around. "You know you may think you can tell the future with these crystall balls and cups filled with junk. But you couldn't be more blind about the future, than you are without those glasses. You are wrong about Hermione and me. Yes she may be strict and heavily organized at times but she is carrying and a good person deep down. And yeah you may be right. I may strike fear into people but I don't care. My family history does not defy who I am and I want people to know me for me not for what my family did in the past or will do in the future" I say angrily as turn and leave the class room.

Walking out of the class and down the stairs I turn my head and see Hermione standing there with teary eyes

"That was thoughtful, what you said" she says wiping her tears away

"I meant every word" I say in a small smile

"Y/n you are good person. Many people might see you for what your family may have done but I don't. I see you for who you are. I see as the good, smart, and funny person who sticks up for his friends. And I wouldn't want it any other way" she says walking over and hugging me and I hug her back

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