Ch.32: Return to School

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After chatting a bit, Ginny went downstairs and Ron left to his room. Hermione and I had gone to the restroom to brush our teeth

"Long day today huh?" She asks getting her brush

"Yep" I spit the paste out

As I clean and rinse my brush I hear a noise coming from downstairs

"Did you hear that?" I ask and she nods

"Was that an owl?" Hermione asks over the staircase

"Yep. Harry's actually. Haven't seen him, have you? Apparently he's wandering around the house" Ginny says to us

"No" I answer

Ginny turns over and sees Harry standing behind her

"Harry!" We all exclaim

After greeting each other, we go upstairs into a room and sit around a table

"When'd you get here?" Harry asks

"We got here today actually. We weren't sure if... I was gonna come" Hermione says quietly

"Mum sorta lost it last week. Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. That it's to dangerous" Ron says glancing at me

"Oh come on" Harry rolls his eyes

"Even my parents, who are muggles mind you, know something is up" Hermione adds

"What about you Y/n?" Harry asks

"Sam and Lupin were against having me come back too. Said that I would be much safer at hq and at home than at Hogwarts" I say

"What made them come around?" Ron asks

"Dad. He convinced them that I was strong enough on my own and I had you guys to accompany me as well"

"Wait but this is Hogwarts. Dumbledore. We're talking about. What could be more safe?" Harry asks

"As much as it hurts to say it. There is a lot of chatter that he is getting old" I say

"Rubbish. He is only... what?"

"One hundred and fifty. Give or take a few years" Ron answers

Two days passed and we were in Diagon Alley. Everyone was in the twins' shop known as the 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' I was outside sitting on a bench because of the overcrowdedness in the shop

Hermione POV
Ginny and I were walking around the shop. I noticed a stand that had love potions and I inspected one

"Love potion?" Ginny asks

"Threatening to do something Granger?" Fred asks

"Yeah what are you plotting?" George asks

"I'm not plotting anything" I begin to blush

"I reckon that you would like to make your relationship with Y/n closer huh?" Ginny asks

"W-well I...uh" I begin to stutter

"Hermione you don't need to buy this to make a closer relationship with Y/n" Ginny says

"It'll help the shop if you did" Fred smiles

"Do you mind?" Ginny says and they leave. "Hermione your moment should be real emotionally caused. Not by some potion"

"You're right Ginny" I place the potion back down

A few minutes pass and the other come back out. They meet up with me and we walk. Hermione keeps looking at me blushing

"You ok?" I ask

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now