Ch.9: The Diary

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A few minutes later, people still keeping looking over at me. I stand up and gather my things

"I'll see guys later" I say with a small smile

"You gonna be ok Y/n?" Ron asks

"Yeah I'll manage" I answer looking at Hermione who has a frown

Walking back to the dormitories I come across a corridor who has a boy lying on the ground. I quickly run to the boy now realizing that it is Justin. Just then Harry turns a corner to find us

"Harry? Look he is petrified" I say as he comes over

"Oh no" He says making me look up at Dumbledore and Filch approaching us. "Professor I swear we didn't-"

"This is out of my reach boys. Mr Filch will you take care of this please?" Dumbledore says to to Filch who has a sinister smile

"Caught in the act eh. I'll have you out this time, mark my words" Filch threatens as I look over to the trail of spiders crawling out the window.

Mcgonagall comes and takes us as Filch stays back at the boy petrified.

"Professor where are we going exactly?" I question in a yawn

"You should really take this seriously Mr. L/n you both could be in very big trouble" she says

"Innocent until proven guilty. Unless they have concrete evidence it was us then I'll start to worry" I say putting my hand behind my head in a relaxing manner.

After walking again she puts us into a little room with s gargoyle statue.

"Sherbert Lemons" Mcgonagall says as the gargoyle begins to open its wings and begins to take us up. "Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you."

We make it to the upper floor to find a room with big doors. We enter the room and see that it is Dumbledore's office with the people in the portraits sleeping and see many shelves

"Harry look" I say pointing to the sorting hat and we walk over to it.

Harry picks it up and puts it over his head as it begins to talk "Bee in your bonnet, Potter?" It asks

"Well you see I was wondering..." Harry begins

"If I put you in the right house? Yes you were particularly hard to place as well as L/n over there. But I stand by what I said last year. You would have done well in Slytherin" the hat says making Harry take it off and throwing it on the shelf before I catch it

"What about me you said I would have done well in Hufflepuff" I says to it putting the hat on

"Ah yes I did say that. However you your bravery and courage to protect others greatly over shadowed the way you felt about someone. For instance I know that you will jump into action and protect them without knowing who they are. That is the mark of a true Gryffindor." It says as I take of the hat and put back on the shelf. As I begin to think.

Harry walks over to a bird sitting on a golden perch before it bursts into flames and turns into a pile of ash. Just  then Dumbledore walks into the room

"Professor your bird it just caught flames. There was nothing I could do." Harry says with ta worried face

"Ah its about time. He has been looking dreadful for days. A shame you boys had to see him on a Burning Day. He's really very handsome most days" Dumbledore says walking over to Harry

"Its a Phoenix Harry. Its burst into flames to be reborn a gain. Right Professor?"I ask Dumbledore walking over to them

"Right as ever. You see Harry Fawkes is a Phoenix. Reborn again from its ashes" Dumbledore says as a baby Fawkes comes up out of the ash pile and flies to me landing on my shoulder. "Fascinating creatures. They can carry immensely heavy loads, they produce tears that have healing powers, and they are make very faithful pets"

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