Ch.43: The Deathly Hallows

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The following morning we traveled to a quite grassland with a little house there. We walked up the steps and Harry knocked on the door. The door opened and an old depressed man came out with disdain in his eyes

"What is it? Who are you? What do you want?" The man says scowling over us

"Hello Mr. Lovegood. I'm Harry Potter. We met a few months back" Harry introduces

"Would it be ok if we came in sir? We promise not to take long" I say

Mr. Lovegood allowed us to enter the home them he went to a different room and returns

"So what brings you lot here?" He asks

"Well sir, we sort of need help" Sarah says

"Ah yes help. Well helping Harry Potter and Y/n L/n is rather dangerous these days"

"Aren't you the one who keeps telling everyone that helping Y/n and Harry is their first duty?" Hermione questions

"I have expressed that view Yes. Would you excuse me a moment. I shall return shortly and try to help you" he exits rather hastly

"Something is off here" I say thinking

"He's mental. Let's face it. Luna's good value but she is nutty as squirrel poo" Ron says and Sarah shoves him and gives him a mad look

"Do you see that?" Hermione gasps pointing at an enormous spiral horn on the wall

"Well yeah of course. This thing is massive" Ron says approaching the horn


"Don't touch it" Sarah and I shout

"Its an Erumpent horn. It's a Class B tradable material" Hermione informs

"Yeah all right" Ron goes back to his seat

"May I offer you all an infusion of Gurdyroots? We make it ourselves" Mr. Lovegood returns with a pot

"Where is Luna sir?" Harry asks

"Luna? I'm sure she'll be along. Now how can I help you Mr. Potter"

"Well sir it is about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding. A symbol of sorts..."

"You mean this?" He reaches into his pocket and takes out a necklace with a familiar looking symbol on it

"Yes exactly! What we wondered sir is, well what is it?"

"What is it? Well it is the sign of the Deathly Hallows of course"

"The what?" We all exclaim

"Well yes of course. I assume you all know 'The Tale of The Three Brothers'?"

"Yes" Hermione, Ron, and Sarah say

"No" Harry and I answer

"Well there is no reason to continue if you do not know the tale. Why don't you read it aloud miss?" He looks over to Hermione

"Granger sir. Well... alright"

This is honestly my favorite scene in all of Harry Potter films so I decided to just put the video of Hermione instead of typing all of it

"Well there you are. Those are the Deathly Hallows" Mr. Lovegood smiles

"Sorry... I still don't really understand" Harry looks at me

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