Ch.33: Half Blood Prince?

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The next day we went to the Quidditch field to watch the team practice. Ron and some guy named Cormac were going against eachother to see who would be the team's starting goalie. Hermione and I sat by the stands and were later joined by Sarah

"I didn't know you liked Quidditch" I say looking over

"Its not my preference for entertainment but I came out here to support Ron" she smiles

"I'm sure he'll appreciate it" Hermione replies

The team begins to practice and Ron seems to be doing good. Apparently Harry had given Ron the vial of Liquid Luck to boost his confidence for the day. It appeared to be working as Ron was saving every ball coming his way

"Isn't he brilliant?" A girl known as Lavender Brown sighs with infatuation causing Sarah to give her a harsh look

After practice we went to the Great Hall. We were gonna go to the common room but I got hungry. As we were sitting there, Sarah joined us and sat down across from Ron

"Have to admit, I thought I was gonna miss the last one. Hope Cormac's not taking it too hard" Ron says confidently

"You performed brilliantly today Ron" Sarah smiles

"Thank you. You know he has a bit of a thing for you Sarah. Cormac I mean" Ron says

"He's vile" she replies causing me and Harry to snicker

"Hey Y/n haven't you used this spell before?" Harry asks pointing to the word 'Sectumsempra' underline several times in the margin of a book

"Yes he has" Hermione answers for me in a motherly tone. "And if you had any shred of self respect, you'd turn in that book"

"Not likely Hermione. He's top of the class. Even better you and Sarah" Ron says causing Sarah to give him a withering glance. "What?"

"I'd like to know just whose book is that. Let's take a look shall we" Hermione reaches for the book

"No!" Harry pulls it away

"Why not?" I ask finally finishing my food

"It's old... the binding is fragile" Harry answers looking at me then to Hermione

"The binding is fragile?" She repeats

She goes to get the book again only this time when Harry pulls back, Ginny is standing behind him and snatches the book from his hands

"Who is the Half Blood Prince?" Ginny asks flipping through the pages

"The who?" Ron, Hermione, Sarah and I question

"That is what the book says right here. 'This book is property of the Half Blood Prince"

Few weeks passed and it was now snowing. We had gone to Hogsmeade Village to walk around.

"For weeks you've had the book, practically sleep with it. And you have no desire to find out who the Half Blood Prince is?" Hermione asks

"I didn't say I wasn't curious. And by the way I don't sleep with it"

"Yeah sure" I say sarcastically

"Well it's true. I like a nice conversation with someone before going to sleep and you and Y/n are reading those bloody books of yours. It's like being with Hermione all day" Ron adds

"Shut up" Hermione laughs. "Well any case I went to...

"The library" the two answer


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