Ch.21: The First Task

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The next day the Tri-Wizard Tournament champions had to meet in the champions room for a photo and interview. We were all well dressed. Fleur was sitting on a chair with Harry, me, and Krum standing behind her. After the photo was taken a woman steps from behind the photographer

"What a charismatic quarter" she says walking over to us. "I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the Daily Prophet. But of course you know that don't you. It's you we don't know, you're the news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? What mysteries do the muscles mask? Does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick. Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So, who's feeling up to sharing? Mmm? Shall we start with the youngest. Lovely" Rita says taking me and pulling me into a closet. "Cozy isnt it?"

"Its a broom cupboard" I answer

"Yes well" she begins before pausing. "Don't suppose you mind I use a quil?"

"Ok I guess"

"Y/n you sit here a boy at an age of fourteen. Tell me how does it feel to go against other powerful wizards. Two of them much more mature than yourself and have mastered spells that you can only begin to dream of?" She asks as I snicker a bit

"Well guess you have to see when we begin wont we" I say

"Very well. Now tell me is the events of your past the reason that caused you to enter the tournament?"

"No and I didn't put my name in the goblet" I say slightly annoyed

"Everyone loves a rebel Y/n" she says before looking to the parchment. "Ok the, Is it the death of your mother or that you are the grandson of he who shall not be named, that causes you to take risky actions?" She asks as I get up and leave the room. Not before igniting the parchment and quil on fire. Walking out the room I notice the others who look at my angered expression as I leave the room.

Later that night I go downstairs with Harry. "Look at this rubbish" I say. "Y/n L/n chose to disregard the rules and put his name on the Goblet of Fire to have a chance of eternal glory after the image that his family left behind" I read aloud giving the paper to Harry

"Harry Potter aged 12, suspect entrant in the tri-wizard tournament. His eyes swimming with the ghosts of his..." Harry stops reading before throwing the paper into the fire

The fire then crackles a bit and we see a face appearing in the flame

"Sirius?" I ask

"I don't have much time so let me get straight to it. Did you or did you not put your names into the Goblet of Fire?" Sirius asks us

"No!" Harry replies loudly

"Shh... I had to ask. Now, tell me about this dream of yours Harry. You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort, but who was the third man in the room?" Sirius asks

"I don't know" Harry responds

"You didn't hear a name?" Sirius asks

"No but Voldemort wanted him to do something. Something important" Harry replies

"What was it? The job?"

"He wanted... me. I dunno why, but he was gonna use this man to get to me. I mean it was only a dream right?"

"Yes. It's just a dream. Look, the both of you, the DeathEaters at the world cup, your names rising from that goblet, these are not just coincidences. Hogwarts isn't safe any more." Sirius says

"What would the DeathEaters want with me?" I ask

"To finish a job they started fourteen years ago. Y/n they are responsible for Maria's death" Sirius says

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