Ch.17: Prizoner of Azkaban Pt.2

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Sirius and Lupin take Pittigrew out of the Shack and outside. Lupin had casted a spell that made the Whomping Willow still. Walking out Sirius left Lupin with Pettigrew and walked over to look at the castle and Harry went over to him to talk. I helped Ron sit down on boulder outside by the tree

"Episky" I cast on Ron's injury. "It won't do much but it will easy the pain a bit"

"Thanks" Ron says

We sit there for a while and look over the mountains and see a full moon emerge

"Oh no" I say as Ron and Hermione turn to see the moon

"Harry!" Hermione calls pointing over at Lupin who is staring at the moon.

Sirius runs over to Lupin and holds his shoulder. "Remus, old friend... did you take your potion tonight?" Lupin shakes his head and the wand in his hand is twitching.

Pettigrew takes this opportunity to snatch it. "Expelliarmus" I cast sending the wand away not before Pettigrew reverts to a rat and runs away

"Run all of you. Get out of here!" Sirius shouts to us. Lupin has now completed his transformation and sends Black flying over the side of the cliff. Snape comes out of the Shack and joins us. He turns around and sees the Werewolf causing him to become defensive

We see as Lupin is standing there whimpering and looking at us. "He feels anxious and scared" I say as they turn to me

"Professor?" Hermione asks walking slowly to Lupin and sticks her hand out. "Professor Lupin" just then Lupin let's out a loud howl and is about to pounce in Hermione.

As if on instinct I had ran and used my entire body to tackle Lupin and send him back

Hermione POV
I close my eyes expecting Lupin to attack before I open them and see a brown bear standing before me

"Y/n?" I ask before the best turns to me and roars

I turn my head and see Lupin run back and jump on Y/n before he stands on his hind legs and uses his paws to punch Lupin off his back. Lupin was about to pounce again before a black dog comes over the cliff and bites on Lupin's leg and Y/n tackles him and sends him flying back. Lupin then bites on Sirius' shoulder and sends him back then he targets Y/n and is able to scratch his chest before Sirius bites on Lupin's leg again. This causes Lupin to chase Black with Harry following behind. Just then Y/n turns back to his normal self

"Ugh what happened?" Y/n asks holding his head and then his chest

"Y/n you're an Animagus?" Ron asks

"What? Is that what happened?" Y/n asks

"Y/n you transformed into a bear. You saved me and fought Lupin. Then your chest..." I say before stopping and hearing a howl

I began to feel a splitting headache. I then fall on the floor and pass out. I then wake up on a hospital bed and I begin to sit up.

"Y/n you alright?" Hermione asks. I look around the room and see Ron who waves at me. Then I see Harry on the bed next to me

"Yeah. What happened?" I ask

"After you reverted back to your normal self, you passed out. Then we found Harry and Sirius near the Black Lake. Sirius had been taken as well" she answers

"What about Lupin?"

"We heard a howl and saw that Lupin has taken off to the direction of it. We haven't seen him since" she replies and I whince and hold my chest. "Y/n you alright? Try not to move much"

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