Year 4 Ch.19: Quidditch Panic

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It was the last few days of our summer vacation.  Dad had returned a couple of days ago and Sam returned to the Ministry to finish his last task before he can go be a guard at Hogwarts.

"Wake up Y/n you have to go!" Dad says knocking on my door.

"I'm up. I'm up" I say opening the door

My dad said that Arthur had a surprise for the 'kids' if you will. My dad unfortunately can't go because he needs to make sure that the crop is properly soiled and fertilized. I go to the bathroom and get ready. I look at my reflection and see that my body has gotten bigger. I'm more built and well toned since I was last year. I have gotten taller and my hair has gotten slightly longer, having bangs covering up to my eyebrows. My voice has also gotten deeper as well. I go back to my room and dress up in a black tshirt with blue pants. I put on the ring that Sam gave me and the cuff that Hermione gave me.

"Alright that should be it" I say looking at the mirror before walking to my room and getting my backpack

"Ok dad I'm ready" I say walking downstairs

"Well then off to the fire place" he says and I go into the chimney. "Be safe ok. And remember to look out for eachother" he finishes as he hands me the floo powder

"I will dad. See ya soon. The Burrow!" I shout then getting engulfed in flames. I open my eyes and see that I'm at the Weasley's home. Walking out I see the twins with Percy and Ginny downstairs along with Arthur and Molly

"Hello dear!" Molly exclaims as she comes over and hugs me. "My god you have grown in a very handsome man!" She says pinching my cheeks a bit

"Thanks" I say in a chuckle. "Thanks again for having me Arthur"

"Oh it's our please. Sad that Ben couldn't be here" Arthur says as he walks over and we shake hands

"Hey L/n" the Twins greet

"Hey guys. Percy" I nod to him

"Y/n" Percy responds with a nod

"Hey Y/n nice to see you" Ginny says

"You too Gin" I say

A few minutes later I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. I look up to see Hermione walking down. She has changed a lot too. Wow.

"Hey Y/n!" Hermione says running over and hugging me tightly

"Hi Hermione" I respond the hug then we separate

"You've changed a lot. Guess training with Sam could do that huh?" Hermione asks

"Yeah you have no idea. You've changed a lot too Hermione" I say blushing as she does as well

After a while Harry and Ron come downstairs and greet me. After breakfast we begin to head out walking out to a grassland. Harry and Ron trail behind complaining as me and Hermione walk and talk with Ginny.

"Where are we going actually?" Harry asks before yawning

"Don't know. Hey dad where are going?" Ron asks Arthur

"Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" He shouts as we continue to walk until we reach a tree and a man is standing there

"Arthur! It's about time son" the man says

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the Ministry. This strapping young man must be your son, Cedric, am I right?" Arthur asks

"Yes sir" Cedric answers

"Shall we? We don't want to be late" Amos says he finishes greeting Harry

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