Ch.4 The Philosopher's Stone

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The next morning we all head over to the Great Hall.

"Take a bit of roast, mate, go on" Ron says nudging at Harry who is playing with his food

"That's right Harry you're gonna need your strength today" Hermione says looking over at Harry

"I'm not hungry" he replies

Snape comes over begins to talk to Harry

"Good luck today, Potter. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin." He finishes and walks away limping

"That explains the blood" I say to the group gaining confused looks from the group except Harry

"You noticed it too?" Harry asks as I nod

"Blood?" Hermion questions us

"Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping." I say answering Hermione

"By why would anyone want to get near that dog without being able to control it?" She says looking at me and I shrug

"The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret." He said looking at Hermione

"So you're saying that..."

"That's what the dog is guarding and that is what Snape wants" Harry finishes before Hermione.

"Hey look an owl" I say pointing up

"A bit early for mail isn't it?" asks Hermione

"Its Hedwig, but I never get mail" Harry looks at us confused

The owl drops a long parcel

"Let's open it" Ron says

The four of us start unwrapping the paper to reveal a broom.

"Its a broomstick" I say

"Its not just a broomstick it is a Nimbus 2000!" Ron says excitedly

"But who would give me this?" Harry says looking up and over and I notice that he looks at Professor Mcgonagall and Hedwig who lands beside her.

A few hours later we go over to the Quidditch field to watch Gryffindor play against Slytherin. All of the houses go to their respective towers. Gryiffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw all cheer for Gryffindor team while Slytherin for the Slytherin team. The game begins with Gryffindor scoring 20 points rather quickly and after a while Slytherin begins to play dirty and they begin to win

"Hey wait look at Harry" I point up noticing Harry going out of control and I take Ron's binoculars

"Whoa what's goin on with Harry's broomstick?" Hagrid asks

"Its Snape he is jinxing the broom" I say handing the binoculars to Hermione and taking off to the teachers tower

"Y/n wait up" Hermione says looking into the binoculars and giving back the binoculars to Ron then following behind me

We go under the teacher stands. "You ready?" I tell her as we take our wands out

"When you are"


"Lacarnum Inflamarae" we both say aiming at Snape's cloak and igniting it

"Come let's go" we both take off back to our seats

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