Year 2 Ch.6: The First Day Back

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After my first year of Hogwarts came to an end summer vacation was pretty boring. Besides talking to Hermione and Ron all summer nothing much happened, all though I am concerned that neither me or the others have received a letter back from Harry all summer.

"Y/n focus" my dad says to me getting my attention. "After what Dumbledore told me about the events at Hogwarts last school year I have decided to teach you how to duel ONLY for self defense. Now I'm sure that Sam has given you the spell book already." He says to me as I nod. "Good have you had any time to study over any defensive or offensive magic?"

"No with what happened I only memorized one spell. I didn't have time to read on more."

"Well what about now that you are on vacation?" I shake my head."Y/n your brother gave you that book to study and learn from it. I understand if you were busy but if you wanna keep those friends of yours you better study that book to keep them safe you hear me?" He says scolding me

"Hahaha dad it is really easy to trick you. Of course I read the book I'm not an idiot. Now come on let's do this." I say getting my wand ready

My dad sighs "you know you really take up after Sam you clever little punk" he says making me smile. "Now before we start we both have to follow the basic dueling procedures as a sign of respect. Remember what I taught you" he says walking over to me

"Ok" we both walk and face eachother before lifting our wands to our faces and swiping down before turning and taking a few steps back and getting into our stances

"3...2...1" he counts down

"Aguamenti!" I cast as I shoot a jet of water from my hand to him

"Impervious" he casts repelling the water to the side as I stop

"Stupef-" I begin to say before getting cut off

"Relashio" my dad casts causing the wand in my hand to fall off. "Expelliarmus" he casts knocking my wand away. "Now what will you do without your wand?" he asks me

I smirk as he begins to get lifted up of the floor and begins to dangle upside down. "I casted Levicorpus. Took me a while to get that spell to work without a wand poor Seamus." I say looking down then to my father who casted Liberacorpus.

"Well I can rest somewhat easily knowing that you can protect yourself but remember you must not rely on jinxes or defensive spells to much because I can still attack you even though I am upside down got it?"


"Good now let's go inside dinner is almost ready"

Once we go inside we had dinner we began to talk to eachother.

"Hey dad can you tell me about how you met mum and some stuff about her?"

"Ah yes well I'm surprised you asked that. Ok let's see when your mother was born she had a curse on her given to her by her mother"

"What kind of curse?"

"Well it was more of an enchantment but she thought of it as a curse. Y/n when many people begin to like you and do things for you it gets tiresome because it make you feel like you are incapable. That was how your mother felt. She was constantly flirted on by boys and girls wanted to be friends with her because of it making her only feel like she was only good for for what she looked like not for who she was."

"Why would grandma do that to her?"

"You see that your grandmother was hated and treated poorly because her family said that she was a good for nothing waste of human life because she was not beautiful enough. So when she did meet and marry someone she casted a spell on her daughter making her beautiful and extremely likeable that way she wouldn't get picked on"

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now