Year 5 Ch.25: Into the New Year

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The train ride back home wasn't anything too spectacular. We all talked about the current situation what with Voldemort returning. It is now nighttime and I have just arrived back home with Sam, who rode in the train back home with us

"Hey Sam where's dad?"

"He told me something about about reuniting old friend. I don't have a clue about that. Anyways we should get some sleep" he walks upstairs

"Yeah" I follow behind

Once entering our rooms we both began to fall asleep until I heard a voice coming around the room

"You have only seen the beginning of what we are capable of" the voice says.

"Ugh!" I begin to hold my head as I begin to feel a sharp pain. Through the pain I also hear a muffled voice coming from the other room

Once we entered our rooms to go to sleep, I hear a voice who I assume is Voldemort

"You have only seen the beginning of what we are capable of" he says

No doubt he is trying to go through my mind and memories to try and find anything that can help him to use against us

"I'm well aware of how dangerous you are. That's not gonna stop me from avenging my mother and stopping you once and for all"

Voldemort begins to chuckle. "You have a sharp mind. What can I expect from a high class Auror. You may be prepared but let's see if your brother is"

I run over to Y/n's room and see him on the ground gripping his head and struggling. "Protego" I casts expelling Voldemort

"Hm perhaps dealing with you two together may be an issue. Some drastic changes might come in the future" Voldemort then chuckles and I feel his presence fade

"Y/n are you alright?" I run over and help him up

"What was that?"

"It was Voldemort. He is no doubt trying to invade our minds to try and use it against us. Y/n go to sleep and rest. Tomorrow I'm going to teach you how to defend against it" I say walking over to my room and going back to sleep

The next morning I woke up rather early. I went downstairs to have some breakfast and read the Daily Prophet. I turn to see that Y/n is walking down and his hair is a mess

"You ok?" I ask as he yawns

"Yeah I couldn't get much sleep after that incident" he takes a seat. "So what are we gonna do about the mind invasion defense?"

"I know you already know how to cast Protego. That is the first step of the defense. The next steps include you being in a total state of relaxation. No matter how hard Voldemort tries to invade, you must not him an opportunity to see what's going on in that dome of yours. So to do that I'm gonna try and invade your mind" I finish then walk outside taking a big smell of the cool summer morning

"Ok then" Y/n walks out as well. "What do want me to do?"

"Let's go ove by the river" we walk over and both take a seat. "Now I want you to become in a relaxed state. Let your mind wonder into what you find most soothing"

I take a deep breathe and close my eyes. I see myself by the lake near Hogwarts. I am sitting and studying along with Hermione. Harry and Ron are by the lake skipping tones and laughing. I smile as I look over to Hermione who looks up from her book and smiles back

"Now keep that same mental state. I not saying this is gonna be easy so if you feel like to can't handle just say so" I put my wand near Y/n's head and begin the process

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now