Ch.27: Not So Good First Day

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The next morning I woke up and started to get ready. I was apart of the hearing that Harry is going to. I walk out of the room and close the door behind me. I look over and see Hermione

"Goodmorning Hermione. Sorry if I ruined your moment last night" I say apologetic

"Goodmorning. Oh it's alright. I know that brothers will be brother. Plus it's funny to see Y/n lose his cool from time to time" she says giggling

"Awesome. Oh yeah before I go can you give Y/n his wand" I toss her the wand


"Thanks. See ya later wish us luck" I begin to walk down the steps and meet Arthur and Harry downstairs

"You two ready?" Arthur asks and we nod. "Very well off we go"

We walk around the streets if London and enter a phone booth. Its was kind of cramped but we had to deal with it

"I do love to use the Fellytone. Now let's see, what was the number again..." Arthur begins to punch numbers in the dial and we begin to descend.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. State your business" a female voice says over an intercom

"Harry Potter, disciplinary hearing" Arthur answers

"Please stand by" the voice says

We arrive at the Ministry and begin to walk through the crowded cities. I look up and see a banner with Fudge on it. 'Man Fudge just loves his own image' I thought

"Ah Perkins good morn-"

"Arthur! They changed the time of Potter's hearing" the man known as Perkins informs

"Blast! Dumbledore thought they would plan something like that" Arthur says

"I'll head over and see if I can stall for a while" I say turning into my crow form and flying to the Ministry courtroom. I arrive and turn back to normal and walk in

"You're late Pot- oh Samuel how good of you to join us" Fudge says in a fake smile

"Yeah yeah. You know Fudge you're making a mistake here" I say

"You should really mind your tone L/n. You wouldn't want to be discharged from your Auror duties now would you?" The woman known as Umbridge threatens

"Oh I'd like to see you try" I retort

"Samuel I think that's quite enough. Take your seat and we shall begin momentarily" Fudge says and I take a seat near on the far right and lowest part of the council

A few minutes later of waiting and Harry arrives and the hearing begins

"You're late" Fudge says

"Sorry" Harry replies

"No matter, the accused may now take his seat" Harry looks at the old wooden chair and goes over and sits on it. He looks over to me and I give a reassuring nod. "Well then, we shall begin the hearing"

"Witness for the defence, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" Dumbledore says walking into the room and Harry smiles

"Oh... uh... you got our message. That the time had changed, did you?" Fudge says nervoulsy and I roll my eyes

"Yes well I had a few friends to pass the message" he looks over to me and smiles.

"Ah... well the charges..." Fudge begins to look through his notes.

Through the hearing it was getting rather heated. What with Dumbledore not giving an inch to letting Harry receive punish. Me and Umbridge continuing to argue about Harry and eachother. And Fudge trying to control the tension in the room

Story of Magic(Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now